Freud Inquiry

The psicanaltica theory of the psicopatologia is a theory of ' ' porqus' '. For Freud chistes, the temporary amnesias, the acts defective were extremely significant in the unconscious psychic constitution of the individual. In another way, the psychoanalysis also fought in the direction to reach the proper scientific severity of sciences positivista of the time, being considered the psychic phenomena under the light of natural sciences. To put the object of study of the psychoanalysis is of the order of the subjectivity and Freud as it detaches Fenichel (1981) the same placed this object in level of other objects of inquiry: ' ' Freud the same investigated the mental world with scientific spirit with that its masters had investigated the physical world, what he implied the same revolt against the taught rules until then. The subject is that it is irrational and not it method of psicanlise' '. (FENICHEL, 1981, p.2) Definition Technique of Psicopatologia Psicanaltica to understand the concept of psicanaltica psicopatologia, is necessary before, to understand each one of the separate areas, even so they is interdisciplinares. The dictionary Doron technician brings definition of psicopatologia, the following form:: …
As branch of psychology, the psicopatologia is based on the knowledge of the normal functioning to unfasten, to describe and to analyze these pathological behaviors. The referring theoreticians and the metodolgico context used to explain these abnormal behaviors are, therefore, varied, as they are the boardings that preside over the description of the normal functioning (DORON, 2001, P. 634) and on the psychoanalysis, says that: ' ' S. Freud of, regarding the psychoanalysis, a definition that, in the reality is trpice: specific procedure of inquiry of the formations of unconscious thought (latent content); therapeutical method of the riots neurotics; new disciplines of the field of psicologia' '. As inquiry procedure the psychoanalysis if characterizes for the methods of free associations …
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