General Kinesiology

As every craftsman knows, even the best tool uses something only if you’re fast at the crucial moment at hand. “In the world of sport it is the same: with the tool” video analysis can examine the variety of movements and optimize but too often you omitted from time pressure or convenience on these valuable training aid. Immediate availability and ease of use were utilius therefore central video system requirements kiwano, that has the ccc software designed gmbh for the Scharttner Hall of the University of Leipzig and realized. The system components are installed, eliminating the entire Assembly and disassembly costs before and after the training. An advantage of the fixed installation is the avoidance of collisions between man and technology.
If necessary, additional mobile devices such as cameras, laptops, tablets, etc via the Wi-Fi in the Hall can be integrated into the system. utilius kiwano uses nine network cameras mounted on the walls, in a resolution of 640 x 480 Up to 80 frames per second will deliver more than a standard DV camera pixels and therefore more suitable for a detailed movement analysis. These cameras are powered by the network (power-over-Ethernet, PoE), so that no power cables and Sockets had to be relocated. The images from all cameras can be recorded at the same time. Each of these cameras record the work on a stationary gym equipment from the perspective of each ideal. Thus, training the jump on the uneven bars at the clamping horizontal bar, parallel bars, beams, exercise bars and competition stretching for the video analysis is accessed. We use the system with its excellent feedback possibilities, to operate a characteristic-based technology analysis and qualitative analysis of movement,”explains Mr Kaeubler from the Institute for General Kinesiology and exercise science of Faculty of sports science of the University of Leipzig. The image of one or more cameras is also fixed for the gymnasts such as for supervising persons by means of a mounted projector in the large-format wall projects.
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