virtual worlds 2009

International MWC

cat December 30th, 2017 by Virtual Keeper

The payment by moving body in Latin America, stars in the Global Fair of Technology GSMA the technological Movilway specialized in the Latin American market, counts on stand where the visitors can find information of the company and of the project of the electronic wallet that will next impel in thirteen countries of Latin America Movilway she shows in the Fair how a moving body can be transformed into a credit card fulfilling the maximum standards of security the Movilway technology, the alternative to facilitate the access of the financial services to the population nonbancarizada of Latin America In Latin America, the payment by moving body is not a comfort, but a necessity, They give Cohen. Barcelona, 17 of February of 2011. – Movilway, the platform for the development and integration of movable financial services in Latin America, is present in the Fair the International MWC in Barcelona. The World-wide Congress of the Moving body (Mobile World Congress) organized by the GSMA like event dedicated to the technologies of the mobility, in which operators, manufacturers of networks, devices and software present/display their main projects. Near 1,300 companies, of the five continents, they meet in this event that will be visiting by more than 50,000 professionals and in whom the most traditional technologies can be seen from, to which still are in phase of investigation, happening through hundreds of applications that are prepared to be sent to the market. The Movilway Spanish participates in this encounter as one of the main suppliers of electronic charge and movable financial services of Latin America. She operates in Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Panama, Ecuador and Mexico, and shortly she will reach others the countries of the region like Chile and Venezuela. The technological account with stand where the visitors can find information of the company and the project of the electronic wallet that she will drive in Latin America.

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