Point Radio

The station said that sit with the LFP, but there will be no negotiation. However, the LFP considered the meeting if negotiations are opened. The Spanish Association of commercial broadcasters (AERC) has decided to expel point-to-point Radio the decision to listen to the professional soccer league. Listen to the explanation of Abellan, Punto Radio sports director. The League of professional football (LFP) has been reported at noon on Friday, in a release, the start of its negotiations with Punto Radio, but station sources have expressed that they will simply sit and listen to and maintain that the right to information is not negotiated. After decision of Punto Radio, the Spanish Association of commercial broadcasters (AERC) has decided to expel this station Radio. The LFP has not allowed, since the recent start of the competition, that stations transmit games live from the stadiums unless they pay a fee for the audiovisual rights that holds the Mediapro operator.
The radios are considered covered by the right to information to refuse to negotiate for live broadcasting. The communique of the LFP is novel because it points to that point Radio and the League have been located to begin next Monday the timely talks to reach an agreement with respect to the radio transmission of football matches from the Liga BBVA, Liga Adelante and the Copa del Rey (except its final). However, consultation of sources of the station they have clarified that point Radio representatives will sit with the LFP to listen, without abandoning its belief that the right to information is not negotiated. As a result of the imminent start of talks, the LFP is accrediting journalists from the station so that they have access to the stadiums this weekend, noted the communique, which respond point Radio sources that this is only a gesture of goodwill. If the rest of radios to act as it has done Punto Radio should have the same access to the stadiums to transmit live, they have pointed out to the aforementioned sources, which have materialized that does not happen, nor point Radio journalists accept access to football fields. The LFP has f elicitado to Punto Radio by the given step, convinced that this is the beginning of a renewed and fruitful collaboration that leads to listeners and advertisers of the station a growing quality and interest football content, the statement concluded by his party. Source of the news: Punto Radio listen to the LFP on the barrel by relay
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