virtual worlds 2009

Candidates And Parties

cat July 22nd, 2014 by Virtual Keeper

Not yet the scare has gone him to the PP of which Gem Love can appear for mayoress of Benidorm besides its party. Without mentioning it specifically, Gonzlez Pons has come to say that hers would be a similar tantrum to carried out in Asturias by Alvarez the Helmets. It can. But the municipal and autonomic elections have a personal component that goes beyond the political abbreviations, no matter how much the party of Mariano Rajoy tries to turn them into a general plebiscite against Rodriguez Zapatero and the PSOE. Thus it is explained that for reasons several among them, and not smaller it, by adjustments of individual accounts arise candidacies produced by splits in the traditional parties. That has happened to him to the PP, for example, in Calpe, Torrevieja or the Vila.

In opposite sense, the great parties also have had to apechar with trnsfugas candidates, under pain to lose if not it respective mayorship. In the mentioned Benidorm, it is what it has happened to him to Jorge Alarte, who after to have complained very much against Agustn Navarrese, located outside already of the PSPV-PSOE it has finally ratified, it like head of electoral list of its party. That it consists that loss of being able of the all-powerful partisan machineries does not seem to me bad. , like a many citizens, cost every time me more to vote to any political abbreviation in abstract and less to concrete and recognizable people with whom I feel identified. Following with this political personnel striptease, and you pardon, I recognize my admiration and my affection towards my mayoress, Rita Barber, but also towards the candidate of United Esquerra, Amadeu Sanchis, deserving anyone of them of my next vote.

What want that it says to them: thus they are the things of wanting. And not them story of the other city, besides Valencia, that occupies part of my life at present: Salamanca. The more small in this case is the population spoke of 160,000 inhabitants, the more knows all and, if he were empadronado in her, the more it would cost to me to have to choose between two friendly and good managers public: the politician of the PP Fernandez Maueco and professor Enrique Cabero, independent candidate of the PSOE. I allow myself to count these privacies like a symptom more of the flood disaffection citizen towards the traditional parties, which can be verified by anyone in conversations of the street, public interventions in radio programs and television, written and commentaries in social networks, et cetera, et cetera. Every time more opinions in favor of the abiertas lists of candidates take place, to modify the size of the electoral districts or to go towards a majority system that approaches plus the representing public represented his. Of not to do something in sense either another one, runs risk of which every time there is the more electoral abstention, that increases the vote in target or which, as they begin to suggest some lately blogs, it is participated with the broken vote, yes, literally fact pieces, to show of that way the disagreement and the displeasure of the citizens.

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Revolutionary National Militia

cat February 15th, 2014 by Virtual Keeper

The correlation of forces in the present conjuncture is of polarization between the social government and sectors like the Fejuves, VOC, COD, CONAMAQ and others. For the government of the MAS decree 748 is of " nivelacin" and it stops the majority of the impoverished sectors, is " gasolinazo" or " decretazo". The discursivo game is latent in these acute days as it happened in 1985, when for the government of the Revolutionary National Militia " massive dismissal of trabajadores" in the mines, he was camouflaged with the word " relocalizacin". Additional information at clinton family supports this article. The discursiva construction always was according to the interests of certain class. For example, for some, Ernesto Che Guevara was " terrorista" , and for others " luchador" and " revolucionario". Gasolinazo apparently was planned by the government, for this reason, the president went to Venezuela in the day of the promulgation of the right decree and in these dates of year end where the familiar economy is relatively stable. In addition, the UPEA like most combative of the university system, is in receso, but surely it would harness the social mobilizations.

The displeasure of the social organizations becomes general in all the country. Thus, the marches, extended and town halls intensify and receive major forces as it did not happen from " war of gas" of 2003. holders of newspapers of Bolivia with respect to the Gasolinazo On " gasolinazo" , the newspapers of Bolivia in their holders of first flat one indicated the following thing: The Day of La Paz, titled " Offers of Evo do not convince and they intensify medidas". Whereas Page 7 titled " Evo does not yield and wants to restrain displeasure with promesas". Nevertheless, the Change tried to represent decretazo of bureaucracy with &quot positively; wages raise in 20% " and " farmers support leveling of the price of carburantes". In this last one, he goes himself to the strategy of the colectivizacin doing to think that all the natives of the country would be in agreement with that one policy.Whereas in the digital vestibule of ERBOL, he portrayed thus to this fact: " Antigasolinazo: near 14 thousands they leave to protest in Oruro, Llallagua and the Alto".

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