Taking Great Pictures

Anyone can make semi-professional photos of your family and friends. I’ve seen a lot of unfortunate pictures on some Web pages of pictures ‘stock’ that seem taken at a barbecue with a Polaroid (of old). Below are a few simple tips for those interested in making beautiful pictures of models and portraits. Use a good quality SLR camera (can be digital or film). When I say ‘good quality’ does not mean that you buy a $ 10,000 professional camera. Most people with a genuine interest in taking pictures you can buy a good SLR camera for 200 euros.
Working with film can be quite heavy (and ultimately more expensive). If you plan to digitize your photos, you might want to spend some more money on a digital camera. Although a reflex digital camera may be expensive, prices are dropping quickly. I recommend you to learn about the Canon EOS 350D. If you can not afford a good camera, ask a friend to lend you one until you can buy it or until you are sure that if the shopping, take advantage.
Who does not have a friend with a good camera? Take the pictures outside in the sun It’s amazing what a little sunshine for a photo. The sun gives the picture more brightness and color highlights the model’s skin, clothing, and background. Almost every picture looks better with the sun than without it. Watch the ads in fashion magazines and elsewhere. To make beautiful photos need to know how the photos are beautiful! See jobs and professional ads and imitates the poses and color combinations. You can also look at magazines on the Internet. But be careful with the pages of photographers, some are incredible, but others are terrible. Take photos from different angles. The same photo to another angle and distance can make a huge difference. Photos do not always straight, horizontally or vertically. Take the photo from various angles, up, down, behind, just above left … not do without sharp photos! Choose combinations of clothing and colorful background. To the Unless you’re taking a picture very foreground, the background of a photo is as important as the model. A bland background makes the photo is dull, but alive and background colors can make the same picture interesting or ‘work’. The same applies to clothing. If you want the picture ‘run’, use combinations of clothing with lots of color and several pieces including sunglasses, hats, scarves, etc.. Be creative! Then combines the color of the clothes with the background. With the right clothes and the combination with the background, you need not know anything about photography for the pictures I took out phenomenal! Take photos of various natural poses and expressions. The photos look more professional if the poses are natural. Do not want your model to give the impression that you’re forcing too much a pose. Let the model would be brought as you like and then make adjustments. Remember that you can have different emotions in your photos. Put some variety: happy faces, sad, indifferent … Every photo of a human being has something to say in the words shown. You do not know the joy that you give to someone making out handsome job in a photo. Anyone can get an exceptional picture, believe me, just a matter of light and angles. Good luck! .
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