University Studies
In the 20th century, postgraduate studies spread to all continents and, at present, are considered essential for human growth, constitute the educational level with greater intellectual production (scientific, technical and humanistic). Therefore, the increase of these is closely linked to the demands and requirements of the society. In Venezuela, graduate education is part of the fourth level of the formal system of studies is governed by principles and standards established in the national Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1999), the organic law of education (1980) and the universities Act (1970) The first postgraduate national policy is defined in resolution 35.210 (CNU, 1993), which declares the activity of postgraduate as relevant, given its importance for the development of the country. In 1996, the National Council of universities, issued the first regulations General postgraduate studies, in which authorized institutions of higher education so that they run graduate programs. In 1999, the Ministry of education, in its resolution No.
22 (I, 1999) authorized and normo institutes and colleges graduate programs. Subsequently, the reform to the General regulations for postgraduate studies (CNU, 2001) incorporated the accreditation process and established the requirements for admission to the graduate programs of practitioners with the title of technician Superior University (TSU). Also, the national system of evaluation and accreditation (SEA) was adopted. Definitely indicates, postgraduate studies have as basic aims: to). promote and encourage the development of scientific, technological, humanistic and artistic knowledge through research and continuous study and systematic, in order to satisfy the demands of social, economic, political and cultural development of the country in both disciplinary and multidisciplinary areas of knowledge. (b). promote opportunities for updating, expanding knowledge and advanced in the fields of the University professions and training in Sciences, technologies, the letters and the arts. c. train staff highly trained in scientific research and professional practice, humanistic and artistic, especially in priority areas for the development of the country through new forms of teaching and learning that foster interaction teacher/student as well as the development of their cognitive abilities, Metacognitive and creative in the joint generation of knowledge and competencies required by the knowledge society.
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