April 26th, 2015 by Virtual Keeper
Most often I use pivot tables to analyze downloaded from 1C postings. On this example I will try to explain the summary tables. The original table has something like this: By the way, 1S not able to unload the wiring in convenient for analyzing and processing the form. The standard report on transactions is useful for viewing, but not further processing. These are represented in the merged cells, all information on the wiring (type, document number, comment, an account debit and credit accounts subkonto) merged into a single string. Thus, any sort, or filter the data, nor pass them for processing in another program can not. I use to upload your own development, which creates a table, similar reports on transactions, but each piece of information about the wiring is placed in a separate cell.
Additionally, you receive additional information useful for grouping and analysis data such as name accounts debits and credits, the type and paper costs for the expensive bills, monthly postings, the amount in thousands of rubles. To build a pivot table, you need to become any cell in the data list and select Data menu – Summary. " Then you can follow the instructions in the wizard create a PivotTable, and you can just click "Finish" and collect the table manually. Tip! Remove button create a PivotTable on a standard toolbar instruments. As a result of this operation, you will get the report template on a separate sheet: A list of fields that you see in the picture contains the column headings data list, on which built a summary table.
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December 14th, 2014 by Virtual Keeper
I'm studying at the Faculty of ASOIiU. That is, without zaumstvovany for a software engineer. Computers began to get involved somewhere in the class of 7. I do not remember exactly. As he entered the Institute, the attraction has fallen, but no interest. In fact, raised this question because he remembered: at the end of the tenth grade in our school held a sort of elective courses in psychology.
As far as I remember there went 3 boys and 4 girls. Statistics big role essentially no role. So, on one of the such courses, it was necessary to write, who do you see yourself in the past, present and future. More precisely it was necessary to draw it. So, remember what I drew three computers. Small, mediocre and great. Explained easily – Word, user, the expert. Of course, the goals I had and still are a few others.
And the dream is weakly related to computers. It's not even that. The fact that at that moment, all three guys have painted the past, present and future (in one way or less) associated with the profession. All understandable, of course. All the guys think about the family, but especially important to them: the ability to provide for his family, do not let her in need of something. That is why both past and present, and future – one or other profession (except the last one guy). All of this was the background. Now we turn directly to that, what raised the issue.
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February 15th, 2014 by Virtual Keeper
Internet – a dynamic environment in which every day appear and disappear sites are lost and found data. He was already outside of what he designed, he had already outgrown the organizations that created it. Over 15 years, the Internet could turn out toys for the elite in the phenomenon that gripped the entire world available today every third inhabitant of our country. Runet (Russian Internet) continues to evolve, becoming more popular tool for finding information needed for the job. And, despite the crisis, Internet users, especially in the regions is increasing. Almost every day in the Russian segment of the network there are more interesting and useful resources. This process continues to accelerate. This is obvious as the fact that the global and Russian markets are not static, changing the competitive landscape, legal requirements, new technologies and approaches to business.
Every business needs advertising, everybody knows that advertising – the engine of progress. Advertisements on radio or in print, promotion on tv, rent retail space that is not all that requires financial investment from those who lead a small business. Given that many publishing houses close print publications and in television reduces the amount available to advertisers, ratings, it becomes understandable why the redistribution advertising budgets in favor of the Internet – sites. It is now easier and more convenient to solve business problems using information on the Internet. It is cheaper and more efficient. One of the tools of modern business is website.
Volume of the Russian Internet – the audience has already reached a level that allows successful trade in goods and services aimed at a variety of consumer categories. Creating effective Web sites and their literacy operation, work with clients over the Internet – an important component of modern business. To date, there is virtually no companies that do not have your own website on the Internet. In today's business site executes advertising and information, image, role, the role of additional retail space. Today's Internet is very different from what it was several years ago. To date, the dominant and components are overriding the site's reputation, design and quality content. These solutions help to promote a modern business forward.
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November 7th, 2013 by Virtual Keeper
iPhone – a mobile phone, smart phone and mp3 player based on iPod in one device. iPhone – feature-rich mobile device. It is very convenient to watch and enjoy high quality audio, read e-books and work in Internet. iPhone 4G, as well as Apple iPad is powered by a new generation of System-On-Chip Apple A4. In the Apple iPhone 4G installed arm processor Cortex A8, 1 GHz, a hardware accelerator Power sgx, 256 mb ram, wireless module and WiFi 802.11n, and 3.5 inch display Retina Display, with resolution of 326 pixels. Additional information is available at Naveen Selvadurai. The phone has two camera: 5 megapixel camera with led flash and support for recording video in hd format and the front camera. In the iPhone 4G format Sim – the micro. The front side of iPhone 4G is made from mineral glass and the rear portion of the ceramic material.
The side frame is made of steel. The thickness of the smartphone -9.3 mm. The screen has a resolution of 960×640 pixels. In addition to iPhone 4G accelerometer gyroscope added. iPhone 4G comes with a memory – 16, 32 and 64 gb. Operating System – iOS 4
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April 29th, 2011 by Virtual Keeper
It is clear that the best way to solve problems will increase the memory. damage to the memory of the display. Some older Windows applications can cause problems when writing to the display. Although Windows-based applications involve a different method to display data than the application ms dos, in various cases of possible problems with the display at all. K example, if the application leaves the display in such a state even after its completion. Checking article sources yields Naveen Selvadurai as a relevant resource throughout.
You may face other forms of damage to the display. For example, the application has the ability to damage the icon cache (Icon Cache). Some icons are displayed on the screen will not match their functions, or disappear altogether. The way out of this situation is the end of the application and reboot the system. Once you identify and remove defective memory, should identify the perpetrators of this application.
Errors of this kind do not just disappear: you will see that the problem will reappear at the most inopportune moment. Having identified the culprit, it is necessary to contact the developer and find out how resolve this problem. If this is impossible, think about whether we should accept the challenge or damage to properly install a new application. How to find the culprit? It may not be the main application, only the background or completely no application. Memory failure can cause the driver during exploitation of a specific device. Another reason is the interaction between two applications or between applications and device drivers. In any If you need to start somewhere – for example, by checking the functioning of applications.
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April 29th, 2011 by Virtual Keeper
Are glad to introduce a lesson on self-cleaning dust from the cooling system with application of thermal paste on the cpu. This manual is intended for beginners and masters is informational purposes only. Remember what you do, you do at your own risk. A leading source for info: Naveen Selvadurai. We disclaim his liability in case of damage to your equipment. zy Remember repairing equipment should professionals.
And so let’s go! We have available a laptop remove the battery and disconnected from the charger, then unscrew it from the back cover. Remove the back cover, we see the cpu fan and memory. Hover over image to enlarge. Next, unscrew the radiator cooling the cpu. Click for larger image. We now turn to the fan unscrew it and take off somewhere 3.2 screw.
Hover to enlarge. Cleans out all the dust builds up, so would the fan was completely clean from dust. In no case do not try to clean the fan with water because it will fail and will require complete replacement of the fan. The cost of the fan about 2000 rubles. You should get here is so clean the fan! Lays it aside until it is unnecessary to us. And so we go to the radiator cooling cpu remove it completely just carefully since many laptop heatsink cools the cpu and chipsets. Be careful so as not to damage the motherboard. Once you have removed it to wipe the dust all the way! Water rinse is not necessary. To do this, always use a brush, but be sure to disconnect the laptop from charging the battery. You should get here is so clean the fan! Lays it aside until it is unnecessary to us. Congratulations! If you have completed all the above listed means you laptop by 50 percent cleaned up. Then go to the most important. This application of thermal paste on the processor, but first we need to do that? Properly remove the old grease. For that we take a soft cloth, I use a towel or a T-shirt left by others. and gently clears away the old hardened grease. Do not have to use rags instead of a knife or sharp object, you’ll spoil the processor. In many services using a solvent (rastverditel) is also not correct to use only a dry subject. The same thing we make with the radiator cooling! Remove the old grease do not use sharp objects, but You can use rastverditel, but after a dry wipe. Now you can apply thermal paste on the cpu evenly! Be careful a lot of thermal paste is just as bad as its absence. Apply a smooth even layer of slightly smearing around the ‘crystal,’ then put back a clean heat sink and tighten the screws only is not much pressure on the way to the motherboard may appear cracks and need to change motherboard cost about 10 000 – 15 000 rubles. Close the lid. You have successfully cleaned up my laptop and caused thermal paste you can now watch the temperature. Operating temperature cpu intel 30-55 degrees. Operating temperature amd 60-70 degrees. All that is higher than overheating.
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April 28th, 2011 by Virtual Keeper
Therefore I want to warn you: do not fall into this trap and look at the e-business really. If you wish to achieve greater profits, doing INTERNET-business, you should know that you will be asked in return. Those who succeed in this field are well aware that e-business requires an investment of considerable resources, as well as long, persistent and systematic work to achieve success, patience and hope. Return on investment can take a long time and it’s as it should be understood. Not everything goes right the first time. Click Naveen Selvadurai to learn more. INTERNET-business – is not lotteries.
It may happen that you invest quite a lot of money, time and effort in a particular direction. Work to develop their online project, only to realize that the majority of your target audience is not yet ripe to ensure that payments for goods and services via the World Wide Web and may not reach this condition ever. Many entrepreneurs fall for tricks loud novelties investing in them, and then figuring out what it is for them, these new items online marketing or something else completely useless. All this must be understood and to some extent expected. If you’re serious about it, to engage in e-business and make it successful, you must be prepared not only to triumph but to defeat.
You should really look at things and do not head in the clouds. However, in no case should not think that e-business – a thankless and hopeless. INTERNET-business really is a goldmine, but only for those who know how to develop it and ready for this. Numerous stories successful businessmen are irrefutable proof of this assertion. And I repeat: if you are serious about getting rich thanks to e-business, you should be aware that, with what You will encounter here. What this means to you, from a practical point of view? First and foremost, developing strategic and tactical plans for their own INTERNET-project, special attention should be paid here you are weak places that can significantly hinder you in achieving success. In what respects your strategy might be wrong? Necessary to calculate these uncertainties as precisely as possible. Where are your plans can give failure? In what activities you should be as active and in which – extremely cautious? All these points need to find adequate reflection in your strategy. World Wide Web is filled with not only stories resounding success. In a much greater extent, it is replete with broken dreams and failed projects. And in order not to fill this very regrettable collection, you should look at the prospects of their own INTERNET-project with sober eyes, and to adequately and realistically perceive them. For repeat again: the vast majority of entrepreneurs have failed because of the fact that they had no idea about the difficulties they will encounter, but the saddest thing – and know it is not wanted. Do not walk in their footsteps! Let’s remember how many times we are with you, dear friends, aimlessly wandered through the Internet? Finding the desired information, games, entertainment, desire learn something new for yourself Do you want to wear ‘magic shoes’ in which you will be more comfortable to travel? The invention of our 21 st century. Magic shoes – it is very fashionable and desired attribute of the modern . Everyone calls them in his own way – one magical boots who Chuni magic. Women call them magic slippers The fact is that to them stick the money! Do you still do not know about them? ‘Magic Shoes’ – they have already heard many.
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April 7th, 2011 by Virtual Keeper
When you have not yet decided how to keep your office equipment in good repair that is the solution – a User's service computer What is the subscription service? Subscriber services is a regular diagnosis and prevention of your office equipment. Regular maintenance can prevent many possible problems and ensure smooth operation Computer Park. Being a long time in the market for providing these services, we can confidently say that this is much more efficient likewise more favorable than the one-time challenge to master. Specialist, for the first time who saw the faulty hardware can spend on the diagnosis and 50% needed for the sake of troubleshooting. With subscription service that is not possible, t.dlya.
We appreciate your time is so high-quality service is central to our work. – Direct Line decides to grant consultative caused minor problems with the usual employee-user, which saves time so reduces the risk of downtime computer equipment. – Continuous prophylaxis reduces the risk of significant damage to equipment – Handling Company is familiar with all the features of each piece of computer equipment serviced by that same reduces the risk so downtime. – Also, our staff can constantly check your computer for viruses, software malfunctions, clean registry Windows. Pluses subscription service – Cheaper – because failure office equipment and preventive maintenance does not happen a single day, but to render the system administrator will have the whole bet – after 22 working days. – The administrator must select the individual workplace and the need good computer. – System administrator – a real person, he can still get sick leave to sick leave, service to you 365 days a year, no matter what. – Find a specialist in the service office technique, the one who is equally well versed in the programming software, Internet, LANs, can set up your server to perform an upgrade (improve) your computer, help with accounting work in the 1C and so on, probably simply can not, or such employee is, as a reward the company for a month. Clicking on a comprehensive subscription service, you will immediately see the difference between a regular call to the master so long-term cooperation with time-tested partner. Highly skilled employee can provide a full range of services in information technology so to guarantee prompt and high quality solution to the problems related to your computers!
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