December 23rd, 2017 by Virtual Keeper
Internet-based research program for scientific staff from available immediately free of charge Wurzburg – the platform developed at the University of Wurzburg scholarz.NET (scientist network) opens to all interested parties. Now academics can use free intelligent software at via the Internet. The clever software for academics scholarz.NET provides the complete Web 2.0 Toolbox”for the everyday work of the scientist: an innovative knowledge management, integrated management of literature, social knowledge function of ala Wikipedia and the first German-speaking scientist community. All functions are scholarz.net on the online platform available anywhere available. Brad Pitt has similar goals. That the needs of the young generation of scientists meets, who want to exploit the potential of Web 2.0 for their scientific work”so Daniel Koch, project leader of the research project scientific work in the Web 2.0″ at the University of Wurzburg and even PhD. The function ability of scholarz.NET was successfully put to the test since the project started earlier this year in several closed test phases of international scientists.
To accompany the development team has further expanded the software the wishes of users adapted. After the encouraging course of the project, the team led by project manager Daniel Koch now opens the platform for scientists: now anyone can use completely free scholarz.NET. So far, an access code was necessary for this. Before start, over 2000 scientists use the new possibilities of networked research on scholarz.NET. The software has been developed specifically for the requirements of a doctoral thesis and which are not small: quite trivial scholarz.net is not therefore something must play until one goes up, anything is possible. But it is worth! scholarz.NET is just not industrial software, but a grown solution by postgraduates for postgraduates.” Some universities think about scholarz.NET their library portals to integrate. The first licences will be granted in the next few weeks. The portal is free but for private users.
Increasingly, scientists from abroad ask for access. “Johannes Moskaliuk, PhD student at the University of Tubingen and the author of Wissenschaftsblogs is clear: the software is great and has a clear added value for anyone who uses scientifically.” Press contact: Daniel Koch (Project Director) research project “scientific work in Web 2.0?” the University of Wurzburg Tel. 0 93 52 / 26 34 E-Mail: about the research project: scientific research project work in the Web 2.0 “at the Julius-Maximilians Universitat Wurzburg is devoted to the question of how the new technological opportunities and offerings of Web 2.0 for the scientific work can be further developed. About research project, researchers living and also reported scholarz.blog”, a blog by postgraduates for postgraduates. About scholarz.net”:”scholarz.NET is the first integrated online software for scientific work.
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December 17th, 2015 by Virtual Keeper
BitDefender security for file servers receives VB100prozent certification from virus bulletin Holzwickede, October 14, 2009, BitDefender has for its security for file servers,”the top certification VB100% of the specialist magazine Virus Bulletin (VB) get. The data security solution designed for Windows-based servers, to ensure the safe sharing of files and document on this platform. VB tested the product on a Microsoft Server platform. In the course of the investigations the software characterized by a 100 percent detection rate for all so-called wild list viruses, without generating false positives. Virus Bulletin provides PC users with a regular source of information and news about computer viruses, their prevention, detection and removal. In addition, VB conducts regular comparison tests of security products. These studies focus mainly on virus detection and scanning speed, as well as the examination of every single product scanning of known clean’ files.
Base for the WildList Organization (www.wildlist.org) makes these screening tests. Collects monthly reports from anti-virus experts around the world, their data, and summarises the results of the so-called wild list “. To get the VB100% certification, an antivirus product must have shown in practice that it detects all viruses during the on – demand as well as during the on-access scanning, which spread in a multiuser environment. Also no false may occur when scanning multiple non-infected files positive (false positives). The solution must already meet these criteria in the default setting.
BitDefender security for file servers”passed all tests without any errors. “The solution offers our customers a comprehensive protection against all types of E-threats, such as viruses, spyware, and rootkits”, emphasises Bogdan Dumitru, Chief Technology Officer at BitDefender. At the same time, it reduces overhead for the respective server solution of software because is easy to install, configure, and manage. With We once again confirm this claim receive VB100% certification the.” For more information, site/main/business /. About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has set new standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products are available in the press centre online. In addition, BitDefender provides background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet, in English at.
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December 1st, 2015 by Virtual Keeper
“Believed dead spam wave returns that iTK warns hammer Systemhaus HeLi NET Internet users a new online threat that seemed long ago eliminated: because of infected mails to the Kyrill Hurricane deep also Storm worm” known spam pest is active again. The Storm Worm infected between 2006 and early 2009″worldwide more than one million computers, has long been one of the world’s largest spam networks thus and a considerable part of the tide of spam and distributed denial-of-service attacks responsible. After it has been initially quiet in early 2009 to the Storm worm, antivirus experts observe again a strong activity of online pest for some time. HeLi NET iTK expert Andrei Serebriakov recommends specifically companies to keep their antivirus and antispam protection just now always: combining the calculator, the computer network of a company offers ideal conditions for the spread of the worm. Reduce a comprehensive firewall protection of the system and the permanent updating of the anti-virus and anti-spam software Risk of infection greatly.”
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November 12th, 2015 by Virtual Keeper
New version of Conficker worm blocking previous countermeasures of anti virus, third-party providers and online scanning services Holzwickede, April 9, 2009 how the antivirus specialists of BitDefender Labs share with anti malware, a new version of the Conficker worm has been discovered. This makes useless the previous countermeasures of anti virus, third-party and online scanning services. BitDefender has already responded to the new threat and appropriate defence capabilities in all of its security products. Users who are already affected by the new variant of the worm, BitDefender provides under free effective countermeasures both for standalone computer and as for enterprise-wide networks. The new variant of the Conficker worm blocks the access not only to the Web pages of the antivirus vendor, third-party vendors and online scanning services or removal tools, but also access to the recently announced Web pages, which could eliminate the previous versions of the Conficker worm. Concerned about this is also the previous removal tool website of BitDefender (bdtools.net) as well as Internet pages of other providers. All 2009 BitDefender security products identify already the new variant of the Conficker worm as Win32.Worm.Download.Gen”and stop it before it can infect the system. BitDefender recommends all users moving in the network, use of a complete antimalware software up-to-date.
Our experts of the BitDefender anti malware Labs currently meticulously observe the development of the Conficker worm and have come to amazing results that we will inform the public in the near future. One can however already now say: the Conficker worm is not eliminated, but he is currently only. Its development is also clearly, how important it is, the own operating systems, application software and security products always up to date to keep”, explains Harald Philipp, Managing Director of the image material in high resolution can BitDefender GmbH. request be. About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has set new standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet.
Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products are available in the press centre online. In addition, BitDefender provides background information and current news in the daily fight against threats from the Internet.
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November 6th, 2015 by Virtual Keeper
Entensys GateWall antispam 1.1 published Leipzig, 24 November 2010. With the release of GateWall antispam version 1.1, it is for users to manage and even easier to set up a secure spam protection. GateWall Antispam is a mail gateway with integrated spam filter and antivirus protection, which supports all modern technologies to the spam and virus protection. The modular design of the product ensures a high stability and allows the use of a distributed system. A major step forward in the new software version introducing GateWall antispam cloud “with support from Commtouch zero-hour represents.
The use of cloud technology causes a proactive action against viruses and other pests. The Commtouch zero-hour cloud technology is able to combat a virus during its emergence and spread. So, viruses and Trojans are stopped at an early stage before they can infect millions of computers. It is even easier to make the management of GateWall antispam users, Mail processing priorities introduced. The user gets laid more flexibility and the possibilities of specific performance in the hand. Also, the software can be controlled completely through a Web-based console. In addition, any date range can be selected in the course of the news.
Also new is a system of rules that give you control over the dealing with E-Mail attachments. For even better protection against pests, individual users may be prohibited, for example, the open executable files. Further adjustments were made in the area of mail delivery. So emails can be obtained by the new boat-POP3 Protocol external domains. More information and a demo version will find about Entensys Entensys is the provider of solutions in the fields of network, Internet – and E-Mail security based in Leipzig, Moscow and Novosibirsk. The company develops and markets products, what are the highest requirements by latest technologies meet; provide maximum security and nevertheless optimum user friendliness. So, it increases the efficiency of networks and their users. Entensys’s portfolio includes suitable software solutions for future-oriented and safety-conscious corporations, Governments and administrations, as well as for education and training.
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May 26th, 2015 by Virtual Keeper
New messages in which personal data of unsuspecting citizens be released or even sold to appear almost daily. New messages in which personal data of unsuspecting citizens be released or even sold to appear almost daily. So that does not become the rule and personal data remains protected, the legislature has taken important principles on the subject of data protection years ago. In 1969 the first was adopted in Hesse put the protection of personal data. Still, much has changed on the part of the technology, as well as on the side of the law. Basically, the legislation provides that all businesses with more than 9 employees that automated process data, order a privacy officer.
But what exactly is the responsibility of a supervisor, what are the duties? How much time should he for the responsibility of supervisor”spend? Is he legally liable if something happens to me? How can money I by a data protection supervisor save? The INES AG organized the first Privacy Forum South-East Bavaria to on January 28, 2010. Four experts will deal extensively with the subject of data protection. Each will represent the topic from a different angle and with interesting, as well as with important information. A lawyer (corporate of officer), a book author (the Google case), a Professor of the College of engineering and the Board of the Professional Association of Germany’s data protection Commissioner provide a foundation of comprehensive knowledge. During the breaks and after the Panel discussion there is enough opportunity to ask questions and to discuss this directly with the speakers. The Privacy Forum: on the Web page for details about the speakers, the agenda, venue and more interesting information on the subject of data protection in the enterprise. The INES AG: The INES AG is a company for 20 years on the market IT service provider headquartered in unterneukirchen.
The majority of the staff at customer specializes in services of various sizes and industries site in use. The INES AG is characterized by innovative concepts, current expertise, motivated employees, and individual consultation. A smooth computer operation and development of the computer landscape, so that their customers can respond to market demands faster, more flexible and professional, are the objectives of the partnership of INES AG with their customers. Competence focus among others on the topics of networking, server based computing, virtualization, electronic documents archiving, IT security and data protection. The INES AG currently 30 employees.
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May 25th, 2015 by Virtual Keeper
Should the customer wish to send, yet paper documents, euro-log organized the printing and delivery of documents in 16 European countries together with a partner. The E-billing competence developed euro-log from the core business, the EDI connection as well as the intelligent integration and addition of different systems. So the E-billing can be certified without significant effort in virtually any workflow integrated solution in accordance with ISO 27001 or SAP. In our solution portfolio, the electronic invoice settlement was a logical next step for our application for freight clearing”Eurolog explained Board Member Jorg Furbacher. This step seems far forward to carrying the supplier in the market. Through the integration flexibility and proven security standards, the service provider registered requests from all sectors. The trend of November continues”explains Jorg Furbacher, then we play”a sustainable role in the dissemination of E-billing.
There, it goes without saying that euro-log also the own customers send electronic invoices. Contact: EURO-LOG AG Tobias Hecht corporate communications on the mercenary Moss 17 85399 Hallbergmoos Munich T: + 49 811 9595-125 M: + 49 170 21 76 308 F: + 49 811 9595 199 E: which was Euro-log AG of the IT service provider EUROLOG 1992 as a joint venture of Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom and digital equipment. in 1997, the company in a converted owned company people”and developed into one of the leading providers of IT and logistics integration within this dynamic. Over 80 employees provide a consistent efficiency of logistic processes between suppliers, logistics service providers, trade, industry and customers today at Munchen Hallbergmoos headquarters with its own data centers, innovative applications, and individual connections. Realized based on modern data acquisition, unlimited data exchange and intelligent data processing EURO-LOG including solutions for supply chain management, SAP-integration, container management, event and information management, business integration, vendor managed inventory, shipping handling, carrier selection, freight clearing and E-billing. Today the EURO-LOG integration solutions take advantage of customers in the following industries: automotive, trade, high-tech, electronics, consumer goods, chemistry & Pharma, logistics services and cooperations, KEP, engineering and more.
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November 10th, 2014 by Virtual Keeper
According to a survey of the consulting firm centracon, three out of five companies want to implement projects based on these new technologies. They aim in particular to consolidate their IT infrastructure and promise a more efficient use of resources by these measures. \”Overall, a quarter of the company in any case want to by 2010\” and another 36 per cent expected to \”implement measures to the Virtualsierung. At the heart of their plans is the server virtualization (41 percent), followed by desktop and application virtualization (27 and 19 per cent). Starting point for these measures is the strategic direction for nearly one-third of the surveyed managers, while 26 percent fewer companies call primarily technological motifs. From a specific need situation out five want also Dedicate percent of virtualization. The crucial idea of virtualization is not the technology itself, but the change of the processes\”, says centracon CEO of Robert Gallant.
You allows for services to develop alternative delivery models, which is then also in more flexible and productive processes\”, he explains. Virtualization goals are no trivial matter track respondents especially more efficient use of technical and human resources. Aimed at 57 per cent of the companies with their virtualization strategies. More than half also has in mind, to consolidate the infrastructure conditions in this way. But also a centralization of applications is for two out of five of the companies on the agenda. More flexible deployment of IT jobs and a sleeker client management (40 or 37 percent) also belong to the relevant objectives of the Virtualisierungsbestrebungen. However, the way is there of the companies polled is not as considered to be comfortable.
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June 7th, 2014 by Virtual Keeper
Kontrons new XMC can Ethernet of migrate Eching, Germany, 26 November 2012 Kontrons is easy and inexpensive to 10 Gigabit new 402 XMC mezzanine card with two strong bandwidth 10 Gigabit ports for copper tubing equipped and allows existing CAT6 + OEMs and system operators thus infrastructure quickly and cost-effectively to 10 Gigabit bandwidth to upgrade. The new Kontron XMC-402 integrated for the 10 Gigabit Intel Ethernet controller X 540 and provides two RJ45 interfaces. The CompactPCI modular system with mezzanine cards need to OEMs and system integrators in the field-, VME and VPX boards do not replace to perform an upgrade. Installing this extension group or the replacement of the previously used mezzanine cards that’s it. Existing installations can so very efficiently master the significantly increasing bandwidth requirements needed for imaging, data gateways, radar or sonar. OEMs and system operators benefit from lower costs and a faster Time-to-market. Application detects the mezzanine card, for example in applications in the sectors of telecommunication, transportation, military, and automation.
The Kontron XMC402 offers not only a particularly high-performing, but also very efficient data throughput, because it significantly relieves the CPU with intelligent mechanisms: these include, for example, checksum offload, TCP segmentation offload and reduced interrupt operations. Host boards with Intel Core processors of the third generation, which integrate the PCI-Express controller in the processor, will also benefit from further additional bandwidth and lower latency: the Intel data direct I/O technology can communicate the Kontron XMC402 directly with the processor cache and so the system memory. This helps to avoid unnecessary memory transactions. Applications benefit from a up to triple bandwidth compared to previous generations. Host processor modules be freed in this way from I/O bottlenecks and can in a wide variety of usage scenarios on outstanding data transfer performance Achieve server level. It even space, weight and power critical applications (SWP) must be no compromises: for the small footprint and the low average power consumption of only 7.5 watts usually mobile applications have sufficient reserves.
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May 12th, 2014 by Virtual Keeper
Wi-Fi specialist accelerates its sales activities in the DACH region Munich/Sunnyvale, CA., November 02, 2011 – Meru Networks, a leading expert on virtualized wireless LAN solutions (www.merunetworks.com), has signed a distribution agreement for Germany, Austria and the Switzerland (DACH) with the value added distributor (VAD) Zycko. Zycko sells the entire range of solutions of virtualized WLAN products from Meru, including the award-winning and high-performance access point line wp300 now. The distribution partnership, Meru stepped up its channel strategy on the enterprise wireless networking market with vertical focus on industry, hospitality, education and healthcare. The VAD Zycko focuses on technologies for the business IT infrastructure, including storage virtualization, HD video conferencing, and WAN optimization. By partnering with Meru Networks solutions for mid-sized organizations are added to establish reliable, secure and scalable wireless networks want to. The extensive product portfolio include these access points, controllers and management software suites EzRF and service assurance.
They assist IT managers, with the help of management and proactive diagnostic tools to optimize the performance of your virtualized WLAN network. “The proliferation of mobile devices such as Smartphones and Tablet PCs will be a major growth driver in our opinion. “While they have something in common: high data density, environments in which many devices parallel trying with a wireless network to connect to, this is slowing and the performance suffers”, explains Nils Hantelmann, Managing Director Zycko networks GmbH. “Thanks to the cooperation with Wi-Fi specialist Meru we can meet this challenge and offer solutions of the 4th generation our resellers.” “By partnering with Zycko we can pursue our plan, to penetrate the enterprise WLAN market in the DACH region”, commented Tabatha by Kolichen, regional sales manager DACH at Meru Networks. “We think that we will further expand our market position through the channel through cooperation with a proactive and experienced distributor like Zycko”. For more information see. Meru Networks Company Description: founded in 2002, virtualized wireless LAN solutions provides Meru Networks, which the company efficiently optimize network.
This ensures the performance, reliability, predictability and the ease of use of a wired network. Meru is worldwide known for his innovative approach to wireless networking and virtualization technology. The solutions provide an intelligent, is itself the end of monitor network, with the companies their business-critical applications in a wireless network can migrate and become completely wireless company. The developments of Meru in key vertical markets used, such as in “Fortune 500”-companies in the health, education, retail, production, hospitality/hotel industry and Governments. The headquarters of Meru is located in Sunnyvale (California/United States) and has offices in America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia/Pacific.
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