The first content
The first content management systems were developed by organizations that published a lot of Internet content, and needed continuous updates, as online journals, newspapers and corporate publications. In 1995, the technology news site CNET got their document management system and publishing and created a company called Vignette, pioneer of content management systems business. The evolution of the Internet to sites with more content and high user involvement directly, through blogs and social networks, has become the managers of content on the Internet an essential tool for both businesses and institutions as to individuals. Wikis and groupware systems are also considered CMS. Today there are versions developed in open source and proprietary versions. In both cases it is necessary to adapt the deployment manager and graphic content to outline desired functionality.For some managers, there are many templates available that enables easy deployment by a user without programming skills. The paradigm here is WordPress, manager of which there is a large community of developers of extensions and templates.
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