October 6th, 2019 by Virtual Keeper
This handle, that we call umbilical, it possesss in its interior staple fibres optics that lead the telemetry. It has also in its interior the handles of harnesses, coaxial handles etc. Currently, the ROVs most modern, possess staple fibres optics that are responsible in such a way for the transmission of data as well as for the video of the installed cameras. When arriving in the depth of work the pilot who was responsible for the launching will receive the order from the pilot in the control to stop the tow-car. Generally we stop in a depth where the ROV is enters the 20 fifty meters of the marine stream bed.
When receiving the order from the control of operations to direct itself to the workstation, the pilot will command the opening of the constraints of the system of management of the umbilical of the ROV so that it can pilot it until the destination. We have, therefore, two umbilicais in the ROV system. The first one that he is rolled up in the tow-car, in deck of the ship or platform. As that he is rolled up in the management system, next to the ROV in the deep one of the sea. At this moment the pilot if guides for the sonar to locate the target that not yet is visible for the cameras of This vehicle possesss 100 3000 Hps of harnesses and can reach m of depth of work. System of launching of the ROV Hydra 310 notices that this system alone uses tether, does not have tow-car with umbilical of steel wire.
Mini ROV ‘ ‘ AC ROV’ ‘ model SP50 produced in Portugal for the ROV World Lda. Capacity up to 75 depth m Note that all the system fits in one maleta. ROV Work Class magnum manufactured by the Oceaneering in U.S.A. This vehicle possesss 75 the 3000 HP of harnesses and can go depth m. LANDMARKS VALRIO COAST HISS Presentation of the author: Supervisor of ROV, acting in this branch more than the twenty years. I worked thirteen years in Brazil for the Acergy company and am the eight> years in the exterior working for my current company: Oceaneering International AG.Tambm I am Lawyer the four years making specialization in Corporation law in the IBMEC-RJ.
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June 28th, 2015 by Virtual Keeper
Drafters disappear as a class. Why in our ability to write time drawing characters, show the dimensions and sections, draw the main lines of the drawing? Driving a T-square, wash, wipe up the holes? Blade 'Neva', remember? A redraw again, ate something wrong, huh? All technical drawing valilos on our shoulders. Yes to any shoulders? Log dumped on his head and swung it up to date figure. It has now become much easier. Oh, God, thanks for the computers, for the mega programs that you gave us.
Programs do much more. They have the property – quick, we love them, they make it easy. Now we all can. Now each of us can draw without any difficulty pairing the two circles, smart – to design a car, but whatever. And time? Time decreased markedly for this robot. There is no need to plot the bar pretty dotted line, draw a frame with the main inscription, biting a pencil at aerial thoughts. We have a screen and mouse. They tell us replace dozens of tools for drawing.
Convenient, is not it? Remember their college years. Nachertalka. 'Sign it to me, and me, about me not forget? You're beautiful sign! ". Of course, the beautiful signature girls. Everything was done quickly and to couples. As is usually the students. In high school we were taught a good drawing, and from there learned so beautifully display bukovki. I noticed a group of such was not enough, I have one body, with very pretty eyes – she asks, as many as two people. We served a couple of classmates. It was easy. But his thoughts still went to, how do I draw complex drawings, but they will be, I know it's a-go-go time. To the surprise was the 1st course, and then the 2nd. The teachers we were allowed to draw everything on your computer. This is convenient for them and us. The first program, which I learned was AutoCad. Then there was the Compass program 3D. And I am astounded by made from spent time for it. We simplify your stay by new technologies, they save us time, and the impact is much greater. Cons as always. Forming the drawings in the programs, we forget to build practical skills. We do not think about how to divide the circle into 13 equal parts, all make the program. Drawing the program easier and mental work, but without the brain we do not develop, or at least less develop.
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March 12th, 2015 by Virtual Keeper
Thus, to trace the manifestation of global warming and predict what role it will play in the ocean flow, climatologists will be very difficult. The eu will reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by 3 percent, European Commissioner for Environment Stavros Dimas said the eu countries in 2008 have reduced emissions to the atmosphere carbon dioxide by 65 million tons to 2.06 billion tons. Thus, a decrease compared to 2007 was 3 percent. Dimas noted that these figures show that the European system of trading, which involves over 11 thousand industrial enterprises in Europe, quite effectively works. According to the European Commission, uk, Netherlands and Belgium have significantly exceeded their allocated quotas, while Austria, Cyprus, Hungary, Slovakia, Sweden and Lithuania on the contrary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
We recall that the eu has unilaterally committed itself to the ” emissions by 20 percent by 2020. Coral reefs can not recover without help man President of the Global Union of coral reefs known oceanographer Dr. At technology investor you will find additional information. Thomas Goro thinks that having huge significance for the global economy and nearly destroyed the world’s coral reefs will not be able recover without human assistance, even in the most remote places. Despite the fact that the natural recovery of damaged coral reefs in the Coral Triangle is faster than in any other place on Earth because the strong currents provide a rich coral reef plankton food and disperse their larvae. However, by themselves have recovered only a few of the damaged reefs. In the Coral Triangle (the water in Indonesia, Australia and Papua New Guinea), which is considered the most diverse from a biological point of view of the world’s oceans, lives 75% of all species of reef-building corals, and three thousand of the 3,700 species of reef fish the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
In Currently, almost 95% of coral reefs degraded. Scientists believe that the need is not new research, and large-scale action, training of local people the art of restoring ecosystems and funding of work with local communities to restore the vanishing of the marine environment. After all, if you do not take drastic action now to save coral reefs in the future will not succeed. Scientists have recognized climate change, a major threat to health experts from University College London, together with doctors and climatologists have found that climate change poses a serious threat to health in the xxi century. The study authors believe that virtually all health problems will worsen in the background of climate change – from heat stroke and heart defects to salmonellosis and diseases carried by insects. But at the same time, with regret scientists, the impact of climate change on human health will never be imposed in a number of important issues of any organization in the health field. Only now the Royal Society of Physicians of Great Britain called the problem ‘number one priority. ” Researchers note that the increase in temperature of two degrees may already be a strong influence on the ecosystem of the environment and human health
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January 20th, 2015 by Virtual Keeper
To introduce maranhense Literature in the schools of Average Education of the Maranho means to offer to the pupils the chance to know aspects of history, culture, politics, economy, language, religiosidade at last the peculiarities of the people of the Maranho portraied in the workmanships in accordance with the time where they had been written and the holistic vision of the author. It still means to take educating to have contact with the past, the memory, and with the gift express in the poetries, in stories, teatrais romances, chronicles, assays, parts and other texts produced so well by the most diverse authors of the most different times between which: Alusio Azevedo, Arthur Azevedo, Gonalves Days, Joo of the Valley, Tribuzi Flag, Joshua Montelo, Jose Chagas, Gullar Blacksmith, Jose Sarney, Odylo Coast Son, Maranho Nephew, Lisbon Joo, Sotero Dos Reis, Sousndrade, Gentile Braga, Firmina Maria Dos Reis, Conceio Aboud, Lenita Star of S, Favour Spider, Humberto Fields, Raymond Leather strap, Mohana Joo and as much others that form the maranhense Pleiad that with art and ingenuity had portraied and portray today until the singularidades of lands and the maranhense people. This sketch of project the pupil corroborates so that the pupil is stimulated to read, however leaving of the principle that the world of the letters not gravita only around the media printed, but spreads as an unexpected agility in the virtual media, the same will be developed from the use of the laboratory of computer science of the school. It is a work that presents as main vehicle of reading the spaces in net, where circulates everything that if can imagine in substance of literary compositions storaged and classified by authors, sorts, subjects..
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January 18th, 2015 by Virtual Keeper
The Google appeared in 1998 in U.S.A. as a site of research. This site of research has as mission to offer to the best option of search in the Internet becoming the accessible and useful world-wide information. With access of more than 1,3 billion pages, the Google offers resulted excellent for users of everybody, normally in less of half second (average time of the research). Today the site corresponds to average of more than 100 million consultations per day. With 11 years in the market, the Google beyond having the more used service of search of the world, supplies to sets of ten of other services on-line, in its gratuitous majority, that include services of email, edition and sharings of spread sheets, social net, instantaneous communication, translation, sharing of photos and videos amongst others. Amongst all the services, the present work will detach orkut and youtube that they pertecem to the Google group.
1.6 ORKUT Created in 19 of January of 2004 for its founder Orkut Bykkokten, employee of the Google, the Orkut, site of had access relationship more of the world, and 6 more had access of the Internet, has as main objective to help its members to create new friendships, and to keep contacts with its social groups, is they, professional family, friends or contacts. Figure 1.2? Logomarca of the Orkut Source: Available in: In day 5 of January of 2005 the site gained its Brazilian version in Portuguese language. Three months later were disponibilizado the nine new languages: Frenchman, Italian, German, Spaniard, Japanese, native of Korea, dutch, Russian and Chinese. In 2006 the Orkut around reaches the impressive mark of 25 million users spread of the world. One year later, in 2007, the site more than has a growth of 100% of its users, arriving at the mark of 60 million registered in cadastre people. Still in 2007 the Orkut takes the initiative of estilizar its page in web with new applicatory that called the attention its users, had to fight the advance of the sites Facebook and MySpace, its main competitors in the world.
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November 24th, 2014 by Virtual Keeper
From it, IBM developed some commercial systems supporting virtualizao, between which celebrity OS/370. The dominant trend in the systems at that time was to supply to each user an environment complete mono-user, with its proper operational system and applications, completely independent and disentailed of excessively using environments of LAUREANO, 2008. One of the concepts of virtualizao of desktops that frequent they are used in the companies is that one that if installs applicatory one of virtualizao in desktop of the user. Some examples of applicatory are: VMware Workstation, Microsoft Virtual PC and Parallels Workstation. This concept comumente is used when a necessary user to use two or more operational systems, normally for test of some application that is developing. Another concept that has been very useful for companies who has points of remote attendance, without link with the date to center main of the company, and that for being isolated, they are it are of the control and the politics of security of the company. For these situations the VMware offers VMware ACE, that allows the creation of virtual machines with security politics, which can be delivers these remote users to use. The security politics will be kept same without connection with the net.
As example of politics, we can cite: which I pass through of entrance and exit is allowed in that virtual machine, that devices could be used, etc. Also is possible to determine a time of life for the virtual machine, to criptografar it and to protect it against copy, preventing that the virtual machine is clonada. It also has that old one and known type, that for having appeared at another time, did not take the virtualizao in its name, but that it can be considered as such. I am saying of the terminal services, as Microsoft terminal services and the celebrity Citrix Presentation Server (old Metaframe virtual Maquina a virtual machine (Virtual Machine VM) can be defined as an efficient and isolated duplicate of a real machine Diagram of a virtual machine LAUREANO, 2008.
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November 9th, 2014 by Virtual Keeper
Virtualizao the virtualizao process comes sufficiently growing in YOU, and one of the main reasons has relation with the costs, imagines, for example, a small company whom it is initiating in the branch of the commerce and for its in the area of YOU the creation of some servers as serving of email, archives, impression and etc. will be necessary, more the company disponibilizou most of its mount of money in the purchase of computers client for the users and now it has the necessity of the purchase of more you scheme, therefore some servers cannot be together for question of security guard and also for not harming the performance of the net. Observing this scene perhaps the best solution for this company would be the creation of virtualizados servers who in give the option to them to have some servers in an only machine. The Virtualizao in the reality consists of the simulation of environments, systems, nets and the hardware as, for example, the creation of virtual machines. VM? Virtual Machine is applicatory created to simulate the functioning of the hardware of a computer, with the VMs it is possible to make the installation of a system operation that twirls inside of another system, for example, to twirl a Linux system of the Windows inside. In the reality they are you vary the advantages for creation of you scheme virtual and another example that we can cite and the compatibility of programs. With the advance of the technology they always have in the market new operational systems and these new features finish bringing tools important to facilitate and to improve our work and as we are in an increasing market and competitive, who is not prepared for these changes is for brings, this finishes in forcing to innovate, we have a problem more there because some applicatory important ones that we use can not be compatible with our system and there one more time the serious solution the creation of one schemes virtual to inside twirl the system old of the new system, as for example, the XP inside of Windows 7. .
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November 5th, 2013 by Virtual Keeper
Conditions for successful mastery of technical skills are the ability to read blueprints and knowledge of the rules of implementation and design drawings. Drawing is one of the main carriers of technological information, without which no do any production. Development of hardware and software computer technology led to the fact that when dealing with the computer main carrier of information is the image. Computer graphics is the most widely used in various fields of science and technology, economics and management in industry and in the learning process. Along with the improvement of perception allows computer graphics to simulate the on-screen display studied processes and phenomena, as well as create processes and objects. There are currently a lot of specialized software graphics package with which you can create pictures, drawings and blueprints.
In order to master them in addition to knowledge of programming necessary to own the device engineering graphics. The use of modern computer graphics tools on the basis of possible bases engineering graphics. Engineering Graphics – discipline required for training of technical specialties. It teaches methods of image and the general rules of drawing. For a specialist to address these issues is not an end in itself but a means to design, as well as the development and implementation of design documentation. In the study of computer graphics in the graphics system, "Compass" must learn to input and Output from the session of the program. Then learn how to open an existing document and create a new one. Further study should be the main interface elements "Compass" to get acquainted with the basics of graphics.
To learn how to construct drawings of details in two forms, you must learn the basic types of anchors and their use in specific situations. The basic techniques for building and editing of geometric objects, the use of auxiliary constructions to create more complex drawings of details. After examining the construction of chamfers and fillets, symmetry and truncated objects, hatching and dimensioning, you can create a working drawing in three parts projections. To apply this classic 2D technology and drawing on which the design is through projection – flat maps of the object (diagram Monge). Here, a graphics system "Compass" is role of e-Kuhlmann, automating graphic part. The knowledge gained on the construction drawings in the "Compass" apply when the course and degree projects.
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July 25th, 2012 by Virtual Keeper
Ministry of Natural Resources introduced a new method for calculating the damage to water facilities and offers to encourage recycling. The business summit in Denmark, discussed global warming and 'green energy'. Third of a million inhabitants of the Earth die each year from the effects of global climate change. Baltic Sea threatens ecological disaster. White color save the planet from global warming. At sea stars warming has beneficial effect. Peter Thiel is full of insight into the issues.
Alien plants grow better outside their homeland. The fastest rate of global warming – in Uzbekistan. Date of the Week: World No Tobacco Day. Photofact week: Island of debris in the Pacific Ocean. Overview of events week from 25/05/2009 to 31/05/2009. Ministry of Natural Resources introduced a new method for calculating the damage to water facilities and offers to encourage recycling Last week, Ministry of Natural Resources reported that the agency has developed a new method of calculating the size of the harm caused to water bodies due to violations of water legislation. The new method eliminated the major shortcomings and take into account the comments of the business community.
Coefficient taking into account the duration adverse effects of pollutants, will only apply when determining harm in case of emergency discharges. In addition, the possibility of offsetting the costs of environmental protection measures in the calculation of the size of damage. Just Ministry of Natural Resources has proposed to change the rules governing the treatment of waste in Russia to promote waste recycling law in the country. The current situation in Russia, such that incentives to increase recycling is not as well as poorly distributed powers between the federal government, stakeholders and municipalities.
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