virtual worlds 2009

Harley Davidson

cat February 23rd, 2013 by Virtual Keeper

From the business point of view Harley Davidson is a special brand, is a brand that has served as an example in many books and classes of the world of marketing. Why? Why Harley Davidson is the ultimate expression of a strategy very special marketiana, not to sell the product but sell a lifestyle. A little history in the 1901 William S. Harley designed an engine that attaches to a bicycle, but not until 1903 that the first motorcycle isn’t Harley Davidson for sale. So do William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson who work in a small factory of wood 3 by 5 meters. The brand name is born and is the surname of its two founders. In 1904 the first concessionaire appears Harley Davidson hand of Charles H.

Lang. On July 4, 1905 a Harley win a race in Chicago. Walk 15 miles in 19: 02. This was the first race, but there have been many more. In 1906 a new Harley Davidson factory opens and new employees are hired. It is time to create the first catalogue of Harley motorcycles. This is a short summary the home of the American brand that has managed to overcome the difficulties and endure for more than 100 years.

Harley Davidson has lived and has even formed part of some important historical facts. A clear example is the two world wars. Harley Davison motorcycles lived the first world war in first line, and it is that the company sold more than 20,000 motorcycles to the United States military during the war. Other companies sold the entire production of the army, but Harley continued to sell to individuals, which was a success since this allowed him to maintain its market share after the war. During the second world war it produced at least 90,000 models for military use. Harley Davison: the world around the 1920 United States Harley Davidson becomes the largest manufacturer of motorcycles worldwide and there are more than 2,000 dealerships in 67 cities around the world.

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cat February 10th, 2013 by Virtual Keeper

At some point in their careers, all head found in the difficult (for some) position of having to influence the attitude of the members of his team, to promote the performance of the whole team and the better performance of the tasks. There are many variables that affect the changes of attitude, but making an effort of simplification can be described according to three General factors: the situation, confidence in the emitter, in the message itself. Any employee who does not trust their leader (whether this light or not) it will accept willingly your message nor shall do anything to change their attitudes. The same can be said of the message. A message that is not convincing, not provide some kind of benefit to those affected, it will be hardly accepted the prestige of the Communicator is important to influence others. Every leader must earn prestige to his collaborators.

A good prestige facilitates the change of attitudes. Without that prestige encambio goes from difficult to impossible. People tend and try to identify themselves with a well-regarded Communicator and tend to adopt the attitudes and behaviors of the person admired and respected. The commitment of an employee with their attitude is very important. The attitudes that have been expressed publicly are more difficult to change because the person has committed itself and change of attitude would be to recognize (if not act wisely) an error. Distraction is one of many situational factors that increase persuasion.

Another factor that makes people more susceptible to change in their attitudes is a pleasant environment. But the most decisive factor for the acceptance of a message is without doubt the power with which it is transmitted. A leader skilled with people, will be more accepted than someone who is right but that is stale. Anyone who wishes to be accepted as a leader and respected, you must make changes in its own personality. To improve the influence on people people they should become charismatic, seductive should return. A person with ability to seduce must not have the reason (not opposing it), not that must be he knows, should not be Chief. Get that charisma, that magnetism is easy with the use of modern technology. For example the powerful seduction subliminal Videos, they are designed so that the person who sees them, becomes a person highly magnetic, attractive, successful, respected, loved and rica. The changes that a person makes on itself affect their relationships, their jobs, and everything they do. These powerful subliminal Videos converted to persons in the life of the party. Others just answered Yes to what these people request them. If these videos are accompanied by readings of motivational books as the power to transform our lives, the effect will be greater, faster and permanent.

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