virtual worlds 2009

Sole Responsibility

cat July 14th, 2013 by Virtual Keeper

When we decided to have a website to make our company virtual or physical presence on the Internet, it is important to bear in mind that is needed the same enthusiasm and desire to grow than any traditional company that we can undertake. It is necessary to work hard to ensure our entrepreneurship not fall into oblivion, so it is essential to pay special attention to content that include, which must be of high value for customers, because in this way we will avoid falling into oblivion and that our company is a past history. Our clients must have sufficient reasons to visit us, and thus begin to be part of their daily activity. Once we already have our Web site, the next step is to begin to interact with our visitors and motivate them so they stay tuned to our news and we are present at the moment of deciding the purchase of a product or service. It is at that same moment in which we must be there to remind them of our presence, since otherwise we will lose sales in the way, that in the virtual world, are much more abundant than it seems. Not We forget that when we advertise in Google, we pay a click for every visitor that enters our site, and if we let pass by not having a site with content interesting and motivating enough, we will be losing our money plus customers.

What does grow with our virtual entrepreneurship? This is work by him, not simply to deliver personal cards with our Web site, to address probably soon will be lost and we will be waiting for visits that will never come. If on the contrary, all the contents that we provide are quality and relevant, we will have possibility to interact with our customers, give them participation in our Internet space, offering rich in ideas, and thus newsletters we will initiate a process of credibility whose culmination will be sales without the need that we are awaiting them. Our mission is to continue working for our virtual entrepreneurship, feeding it, filling it benefits and solutions that motivate visitors to return and Once again. Let us be aware that much more to offer, we will receive more. The ability to grow and be successful are in our hands.

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Virtual Secretary

cat July 7th, 2013 by Virtual Keeper

And as we have said previously they offer Office in a certain geographical area. When you work from home and have small jobs to delegate, as for example call to vendors, write letters, a cost-effective alternative is to hire a Virtual Secretary. Finally, both the entrepreneurs OffLine and OnLine, that they need staff trained in the latest digital tools available on the market, and think delgar not only small office tasks, but implement new EMarketing tools to achieve more and better results in your venture, is necessary to hire a Virtual Assistant, you are more specific services. The advantage of having a Permanent Virtual Assistant allows you to not only delegate all kinds of tasks, but it also will be she who do is outsource customers needs, when there is with the corresponding specialization or (for example) physical branches in a given area, finalized every last detail. Well, now ask: the virtual assistants are many how to identify which is the most appropriate for my business? I will begin by saying that we are more than 150 virtual assistants certified by Bureau network, however, each of us has his own venture and we are different (though safely with the same goals) women, therefore there is always someone that fits more professionally to the services that you are in need.

Few days ago I read on Twitter the following sentence: the web 2.0 is people, not of the entities (of @escuelatic20), and actually I can not be more agree, that is, without a doubt a great reality that today the 2.0 world is reflecting. People today on the Internet are identified by people most of the virtual assistants We have our own Blog, which is much talk of ourselves, of our tastes and our passion for certain services that we offer. Social networks (Facebook and Twitter in particular) is one of the best tools that will serve to identify with a Virtual Assistant, since you can interact with it, know how he thinks, acts and which are their interests before hiring their services, as well as also as relates to others within the network.

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