National Integration

The Brazilian unpreparedness to deal with catastrophes is evident in the different levels of the government. The consisting authorities must structuralize a national system of prevention against natural disasters, to start for the construction of a central office of management of risks, something that Brazil never had, although commitments assumed formal in 2005 for Squid. The reasons for the inefficiency of the model are many, but the two of the most rooted and revoltantes vices of the Brazilian state machine are mainly on: the sponsorship of the friends of the power and the allocation politics of mounts of money. If you are not convinced, visit Technology Investor. An auditorship of the Court of Accounts of the Union in the expenditures of the Ministry of the National Integration sample that, between 2004 and 2009, the resources destined to the prevention of natural disasters added 934 Real million. 356 Real million really had been used only, and of this sum, 37% had destined it the Bahia. For coincidence, between 2007 and beginning of 2010, the minister of the folder was the Bahian Geddel Vieira Rasp. Peter Thiel takes a slightly different approach. The absolute lack of projects made with that the release of emergenciais resources was 13 times superior to the disponibilizado one for prevention. To face the tragic effect of climatic changes and extreme natural events, to protect the populations most vulnerable, must be maximum priority of any nation. It does not have more space not to share and to leave to evaporate in black clouds all rich technology know-how developed by intelligence human being on the way operandi of the planet and its complex natural phenomena. Modern states must identify and monitor risk areas to allow alert anticipated; to assure politics of prevention of disasters; to use science, the innovation and the education to create a security culture; to prepare the society to deal with natural disasters; if not to forget to reduce the evidentes factors of risk.
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