October 15th, 2017 by Virtual Keeper
Wood splitter, as its name implies, is designed for splitting wood. In the above article woodpile machine is called a machine that performs operations trimming and splitting wood. The principle of operation of typical next machine. The log is set on the input conveyor belt moves it to the side facing machine. Facing machine cut churbak, who falls into the chute.
Cylinder push churbak to splitting knife. Churbak falls on the knife and break into pieces. Available in the woodpile specific machines that use a different principle. Suppose, Palax 55, which first churbak saws off of logs, then manually installed opposite the facing of the wedge. But the performance of their much lower. There are machines using the guillotine cut a device.
However, ergonomics, performance and cause serious resource doubt. In a typical machine woodpile trimming is performed using a disk or a chainsaw. Machines that use the circular saw, have a great performance, do not need a daily podtochke saw. But their value above. In contrast to the Woodchopper (Cleaver), woodpile machines have more opportunities to install auxiliary equipment. Racks can be installed for the supply of logs. The design of machines allows the woodpile set the input conveyor. Palax machines originally equipped with them. Also very convenient to work with vygruzhnym conveyor. Classification woodpile machines. By type of blade: – Machine with a band saw – Machines with circular saw, for maximum diameter of the split wood: – up to 25 sentimentality – sentimentality and 35 – to 40 sentimentality – over 40 sentiment, by Type of drive: – Drive a tractor – from the electric motor drive – Combo (Tractor / electric motor) – Diesel; Control devices: – Mechanical – Hydraulic. Manage. Apply two basic principles of control devices: mechanical and hydraulic. Mechanical represent a system of levers lifting / lowering of saw blade, adjust the length of churbaka, dumping logs into the chute for the split, etc. In machines with hydraulic control levers are used instead of joysticks. Working with joysticks easier. But this appropriately reflected in the price. Performance. Productivity tools woodpile higher than that cleaver. And, actually, it's more predictable. The feed rate is constant at the bench. This reduces the human factor. Assistive devices. For energy efficiency possible use of assistive devices. First of all, feeding and storage racks. Also worth noting is the system for cleaning and packaging wood. For machines with diesel engines running in cold weather, reasonable fuel heaters installation.
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December 21st, 2014 by Virtual Keeper
When the bench method can use the steel or reinforced concrete forms the matrix, which is usually cheaper. Advantage of the concrete matrix is the ease with which its surface can be given a curved shape. Wood and wood-forms are used less frequently, with small production volumes. The disadvantage of the wooden forms is their low strength and large deformability, especially under the influence of steaming, resulting in items manufactured in the same form can differ from each other. Reinforcing products should be designed so that they can be manufactured in the form of plane frames and grids, welded to the multipoint automatic machines. Since multi-point welding machines weld mesh width of 3 m, it is advisable to several identical frames merge into one wide net, and then cut them.
Nets and cages should be designed so that the step and the diameter of the rods are constant multiples of the module and 100 mm with a variable step is necessary readjustment of the machine. If necessary, change the pitch or diameter of the rods in those areas that require additional reinforcement, it is recommended near the main attach additional frames or grids. Should use the ghosts-metal welded wire mesh. Shaping of curved elements to provide the necessary protective layer during the installation frames and use plastic nets or other fasteners. Sometimes it catches hold in the form of rebar hooks, pre- welded to the frame. Curved molding products can be done the same or similar mechanisms as molding plane products: can be applied screeds, sliding vibroshtampy, vibroprofilery, large vibroshtampy, vibrating tables.
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December 18th, 2013 by Virtual Keeper
Of no small importance in the window system has fittings. Hardware – this is not only window handles and hinges, but also many other pleasant things that can make our life more convenient and comfortable. For example, additional protection against hacking, mikroprovetrivatel allowing leave a small crack to fresh air lifter, the fuse erroneous opening and much more. The company uses its windows fittings German company Siegenia, product quality is very good score for both domestic and foreign experts. In 2003 Siegenia offering newfangled color line of accessories – 'titanium-silver', which is more generous than those already familiar golden.
In addition to the standard equipment now includes such components as "basic security" – the special pins that prevent the doors from the outside by the raised arm and the lifter – promotes ideal location in relation to the sash box windows. And, of course, choosing windows play an enormous role themselves windows, the optimum thickness – 38 mm. Double-glazed windows have a high thermal and sound insulating properties. Due to tightness in the gap between the glass does not fall moisture and dust, not deteriorating light areas. Double glazing consists of two or more panes and spacer with desiccant. For the production of glass, you can use almost all types of glass. The choice of glasses depends of the requirements for a particular wooden box.
It is also important to correctly identify the location and orientation of the glass with special properties in the pane. For example, in the case of energy-efficient glass surface coated, usually located inside the glass. Sunglasses are recommended to set the glass as the outer glass. The existence of people remember slopes (Or know) only during the repair or replacement of windows. Slope – a plane between the wall and immediately a window. Ironically, around the slopes of serious passions simmer. Paradoxically, the shortcomings of old windows is a guarantee long service plastering slopes. In the gap little by little ash pit, and the slopes were gentle intermediate temperature zone. In modern wooden windows sealed almost perfect, and when you open the doors for ventilate the cold air outside 'falls' to warm to room temperature, slope, and it cracks. Must be strict compliance with the technology and the use of fairly expensive finishing materials to protect the slope from the cracks.
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