East Area
The representation of the space is not phenomena isolated, nor neither aspects imaginary in the cities, but yes, a relative representation to the geophysical space that if in volvem in social relations, everything this means that for if dealing with the ambient results the surrounding place of little urban infrastructure, but however, of great sentimental value. The yards are well woody, the house costuma to always have in such a way fruitful plants how much native trees of place, the lands are ample and distant ones of the others, wood houses and still we see stove here the firewood and birds singing for all side. The inhabitants still create hens, pigs, ducks, ox, sheep, parrot, agouti, paca, horse and etc. the community still counts on the Municipal School Prof Aribaldina de Lima Brito, located in Street Sumar, s .? Colony Chico Mendes, Jorge Teixeira, zone East, its will inaugurate was in day 15 of September of 2005, from now on comes serving the pertaining to school community. uld likely agree. The school takes care of today about 1.060 regularly registered pupils in the turns, matutino, vespertine and nocturnal, in the modalities of Basic Education, Acceleration of Learning and Education of Young and Adultos (EJA).
The school is constructed in an area of 800m and counts on 12 climatized room, classrooms of professors, room of computer science, feminine and masculine bathroom and for deficient, secretariat, direction, laboratory of computer science with capacity for 12 computers, TV school, kitchen, library, area of service, parking, deposit exclusive for merenda and didactic material. The school still has refectory, area for recreation, artesian well and subestao of electricity. The name of the school is a homage to the teacher Aribaldina de Lima Brito, who was born in the city of Manicor, interior of Amazon. It had formation in Teaching and it worked as teacher during many years in the Municipal school Antnia Alexandrina.
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