December 28th, 2017 by Virtual Keeper
The nuns walk in row by the courtyard of the monastery of strikes; the novices from the monastery of San Isidro de Duenas surround La Trapa chocolate bars; girls sew on a sewing workshop or old Stagecoach hopes its passengers to the parador of Reinosa. (Similarly see: Adroll Marketing Platform). They are images of a century ago, time yellow on my photography, said Miguel Hernandez, the visual memory of a few years already distant rescued by the fotohistoriador and academic of fine arts of San Fernando Publio Lopez Mondejar (Casasimarro, Cuenca, 1946) in a book, memory time, photography and society in Castilla y Leon, 1839 to 1936 (Lunwerg editorial), that speaks about who we are and what were our parents. The choice of dates is not accidental. Starts on January 7, 1839, in the Academy of Sciences of Paris when he realized the invention of Niepce and Daguerre, daguerreotype, and ends with the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. Source of the news:: the yellow time of Castilla y Leon
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January 6th, 2015 by Virtual Keeper
Before allowed to any income, people who had never been to 4,000 meters, and who also suffered stomach problems, but this is It is outpacing, groups are coming organized for all situations that arise, Astete said. Currently, the only way to enter the road is through any of travel that have exclusivity and who are responsible for hiring guides and porters who accompany the tourists and facilitate the journey. Thus, the only thing that has now that worry the traveller is loaded with some water and possess comfortable shoes, from the tents, food and other facilities the porters are responsible. One of the surprises of the path is a path full of surprises the ability of these: while tourists early starts its route, carriers will remain back lifting camp, then exceed all during the day and reach the next camp with enough time to get everything ready. And this with Sandals on feet and balls of coca leaves in the mouth, an Andean tradition invites you to join the tourists and that usually becomes a great ally to the effort of the route. In addition to the archaeological remains that are found during the route, one of the biggest surprises that the Inca Trail booking to tourists is when, at the beginning of the third day and after climbing to the Summit of a mountain, we discover the high jungle or forest eyebrow, dense vegetation that inhabits the landscape.
And it is that, as you remember Astete, another one of the great virtues of this route is flora and fauna with which Walker is found, from abundant hummingbirds and deer to the more timid spectacled, autochthonous species of the area. However, the largest contribution of reaching Machu Picchu on foot is the possibility of knowing the importance of the road of the Incas, according to Astete network one of the objectives that the Empire gave more importance. Machu Picchu was not self-sufficient, there were no crops for 500 or 600 people who inhabited it. Therefore we propose that it was a political-religious centre – administrative, a nexus between the Andes and the Amazon, argued. And that’s the feeling that leaves contemplate Machu Picchu for the first time since the Inti Punko (Puerta del Sol), while the sun rises and after walking for four days along the same path of stone that centuries ago used the pilgrims of Hiran Bingham was baptized as the lost Citadel of the Incas. Source of the news: another door of entrance to Machu Picchu: Inca Trail
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