virtual worlds 2009

Password Manager

cat June 29th, 2011 by Virtual Keeper

It is about remembering passwords. On a network, a user in any case be use passwords to access – to the mail server to hosting, to the account in any service. You can of course be used as your password, birth year and only work with one password. But it is very, very much recommended! Especially for Moneymaker – that somehow works in online with the money. The geography of his ‘parolevvedeny’ expands many times – here it is desirable to have some reliable mailbox, remember passwords for Webmoney-keeper, to the accounts in payment systems eGold, Z-payment, RBK-money and their ilk. As an alternative – to save passwords anywhere, including for example a text file.

But it is not the fact that it is convenient and safe. Where is the exit? Output in the use of specialized Software – ‘password manager. ” In this case you will need to remember only one – the so-called ‘master password’ that gives you access to the program itself. And all the other passwords it stores in an encrypted form in their bowels, and she knows where and when their substitute. One such program – RoboForm: Password Manager and Web Form Filler. I use it myself for several years and pleased to tell you about their experiences.

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