The Psychology Of People

It’s not easy to try and figure out the psychology of people. What happened on the day was that she went somewhere, tore herself from the veil, then went out, and as if nothing happened, rushed into the street to smoke. She does not care what people think, it has completely forgotten that it was her wedding that is all around do not look at it as abnormal, and in the end she puts in an awkward position as their parents and her husband. It was getting late and we went to bed and this morning I learned the following. It turns out that our emotional girl had scratched his face groom, and lashed out with his fists on his own mother, who tried to calm her down and explain that either. And the groom, in turn, could not resist and put it under the eye of Fingal. And it was all done on their wedding night – an unforgettable wedding night, right? On the bed together, even speech could not have all slept in separate rooms.
Maybe something I do not know, who knows how to call it – a modern romance that liJ Here are are a wedding, and I was able to visit her. I still can not understand how a normal guy who almost did not drink or smoke, exercisers ugorazdilo find a miracle in the feathers. The fate of this or something, but can not escape from it. And it is that instead of brains? Even animals do not always behave the way she led. A person like me no, no soul, no conscience, no the slightest respect for people. A respect for his own person, and even speech can not be.
Normal person, even if its something and did not suit at the wedding, will suffer, will keep all their emotions to themselves, and the next day will express all the pleasure. This should be a great actress, that would be able to arrange such a circus in humans. And the bartender is working, but for her movie cry I feel sorry for these people, and even more sorry for their parents that they raised such a heartless monster, and most importantly, these people have not re, she has “Broken hysteria” in the blood. I do not know how to put them on family life, whether they are happy, but from personal observation, I can say that this the wedding was a mistake, these people do not fit together. Maybe I too believe in the wedding superstition, but the broken glass at the wedding will not bring them a family happiness. Although who knows, he may still be able to re-educate their wife, will be the year, and they are all the wedding story will be remembered with a smile on his face. Life will show, I can only speculate. And now you want to return to the top of my story and the words “To even a hundred years later, at the end of life each her party would say how it was fun, nice and original. ” With regard to this marriage, here a little, I saw a beautiful, something that was a chur, originally did not argue, but how much fun it was fun just nowhere, the result of the whole was on the face of the bride and groom. I, in turn, can only wish them a family happiness, patience, respect for each other, and far too want that everything is as it was, and that would be my observation proved to be false and just me invented.
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