
Many of us may know the name of people who feel themselves in a computer disaster heroes, like 'at ease'. Kiberpiratstvo in the web site grows with each passing hour, and many of the World Wide Web users often come across to the tricks of hackers. At first, they run the Trojan on a PC, after some hacked password. Unfortunately, few of us know that a hacker – not so much a bully and lomalschik, which produce a lot of horrors. For the present hackers are ranked and those by which we can download free movies with your favorite actresses, music, Yin Yang and 5fiesta family or playing our favorite and free Internet. Indeed, all the owners Torrent Trackers State considers hackers and cyber criminals.
What else? Hackers breach of copyright, pour into general use information that is available only for the money. And who among us has never used a freebie? Sometimes it's time to tell the pirates 'thanks!'. Since then, both found the four founders – activists The Pirate Bay (tracker 'Pirates Cove'), more and more of the organizers of the site with a public information free to dally cell. 'What they are doing wrong? Why do you say? STOP !!!', – resent and beg people. But the sense of do not.
That has to hide itself and hosts in the countries where the trackers are not punishable by law. What else? And such is! And this is the only escape from the hammer of justice. So what are the geniuses of the country? First, to remove all glimmers of hope in the euro area such almost not observed. One single exception is Romania, where the President himself put it on the Pirates of the legal stamp. According to studies done such a thing a lot of IT-pros in the country. Next story is not so joyful. The first engine was destroyed in Europe already in 2004 and since then the resumption of the servers will not start. On the contrary, specialists create more and more unassailable defenses. For another example, in Canada legally permitted to copy and distribution (!!!) music. But, if you dare to fill in the network a new series of 'Die Hard' or 'Starcraft', should reflect where the dash and where to hide. At the current time we did little information on the spread of kiberpiratstva in other states. But, having little information, you can say that this officially kiberpirat can work in Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ethiopia, in Brazil (but gently!) and some other countries, such as some African Republic. But now, If Russia and marked a red cross on the map, everything – yet we have a torrent, and hopefully there will be. But the idea raises a reality site torrents.ru, who was in court for illegally copying the information. Escaped is not difficult: paid money, and changed the domain. But what if it does not last the tracker, which will write a complaint? In our time, and already adored by every 'Contact' falls under the distribution. I feel we will have to obtain registration in Ethiopia or try full life in extreme Afnganistane or Iraq. )))
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