In accordance with the APA (1994) does not have still one confirmaosobre the etiology of the upheaval, being able this to be atrelada diverse fatorescomo, for> example, the hereditary succession. For Baptista, Days and You are silent (2001), the TOC can estarassociado with Bigger Depressive Upheaval, other Alimentary Upheavals of Anxiety, Upheavals and Upheaval of the Obsessive-Compulsory Personality. OTranstorno unrelated Obsessive-Compulsory the upheavals of personalidade a very small sub-group, and that the personality upheavals coexist namaioria of the clinical cases. According to Rosary-Fields (1999), the TOC is an upheaval crnicoque acomete about 2% of the population in general, revealing-seindependentemente of sex, race, escolaridade, civil, nvelsocioeconmico state, religion or nationality. In accordance with the APA (1994), generally is initiated in the adolescence, or start of the adult age, to podendoaparecer, also, in infancy, having the modal age of beginning for homensentre the 6 and 15 years, and between 20 and 29 years for the Zamignani women (2001) it characterizes the TOC, as an upheaval deansiedade, and knowing that the anxiety is not auto-definitive, and that they exist, therefore, factors a project of the dePsiquiatria Department UNIFESP, the carrying person of TOC try to ignore or to eliminate ossintomas through actions that are intentional and repetitive. Geralmentereconhece that its behavior is extreme or that it does not have much reason to parafazer it.
The obsessions or compulsions cause great estresse, consume time (more than one hour per day) or intervene sufficiently with the rotinanormal, the work or the social activities and interpersonal relationships. Compulsion According to DSM IV TR (2003pg. the 443) repetitive socomportamentos compulsions or mental acts whose objective is to prevent or reduces anxiety or suffering, instead of offering to pleasure or gratuity. These soseguidas of> temporary relief of the anxiety or generated discomfort obsessive pelopensamento, exactly being recognized as extreme and irracionaispelo individual. In accordance with Sims (2001), the behavior compulsivofreqentemente provokes an additional anxiety in the person, for necessidadetanto to execute the action how much to preserve its social acceptance.
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