virtual worlds 2009

Bittencourt Brazil

cat July 23rd, 2012 by Virtual Keeper

However, in the current days it disciplines, it is seen with a new to look at and character different, therefore it does not aim at the construction of an only Brazilian identity, but, visualizes all the elements compose that it forming with this the multifaceted character of our national identity, where the education of History of Brazil starts to privilege all its historical citizens, explicitando the disputes, contradictions, transformations, changes, permanncias, rooms and the cooptaes of its agents in the historical process. However, we need to say that, the education of disciplines of History of Brazil suffers continuously with the little space in the produced didactic materials for education from disciplines, yesterday as appendix of Sacred History and the Civilization, today inside of the projects of Integrated History, where Bittencourt (2004) informs in them on the following one: The History of Brazil, ahead of such position, is understood as it has broken substantive little and to only complement of a bigger capitalist world and its study aims at, over all to understand the paper that the country plays as emergent nation the ways that it has covered in this condition under the impact of the called neoliberalismo. (2004, p.187) We believe it disciplines that it of History of Brazil must be valued, not being nor appendix of Sacred History and the Civilization as it was in the past, nor so little its subjects must sparingly be developed inside of the programs Integrated History, today in the gift. In the current curricular proposals of it disciplines the new technologies appear as form of dinamizar such educative process, therefore a joint with the new technologies is necessary, in special with computer science school to start to identify it with the new pertaining generations ‘ ‘ culture of mdias’ ‘ , where we can affirms that: Computer science and the computers, according to some specialists of studies of languages, had more than revolutionized or are revolutionized what the television the forms of pertaining to school knowledge, for its capacity and power to establish more personal communications and interativas.

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