External Advisers

Shortly contests will be published public for granting of new licenses of radio in the communities of Valencia Euskadi Catalonia, Navarre and Cantabria. It is a good idea to know how how to have an external adviser in a process for which there are no possible failures. More information in ours blog or our Twitter brief #gcotelecom and in GCO Telecom TV or In GCO Telecom we make your available the experience of 20 years writing up supplies for contests of licenses of radio and TDT. For this reason, a few advice go here exceeds how to appear to a licitation of RF. 1. How is summoned a contest and who chooses the winners? Each Independent Community is the one in charge to summon the contests. The Government writes up a Sheet of Clauses (that are not more than bases or rules of game) that the bidding ones must fulfill.
These, considering these bases, write up the best supply as far as local programming, investment, technical creation of use, investments, etc. In order to decide who are the winners a Table of Valuation, formed by assigned personnel to the Administration is created. This Table scores the supplies received on the basis of the baremacin including in the Sheet, although the final valuation becomes on the basis of a removal of the baremacin that the table usually does not make public. That is to say, the Sheet includes a more or less generic scale that later the table develops. 2. How is prepared the best supply of licitation? A supply for a contest usually contains two parts: On 1: Is that one where all the legal documentation takes shelter that calls to each other in the Sheet. It does not score but it is necessary to be able to accede to the contest. It is very important because he is excluding: an error in him can suppose the disqualification or with difficult solution On 2: It is the document that the Table of Valuation scores.
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