In window select the files you need for an envelope and then opens a window to adjust the settings, it is most important – otherwise the sound will fizz and hripovat easiest to do the settings like the screenshot below: Item as source means that bitreit will be like the original file, which is very good, since sa has been adjusted under certain sounds bitreit, but if you put any particular, the sounds may be distorted and the quality will be significantly differ from what is Hit convert and finished – file konvertanuli. Now paste it into the archive to do this, open 'Alci s saat gui FrontEnd 1.0, there is open choose the archive such SPC_PA, a program we wrote that the archive is unpacked and you want to unzip it zanogo or download raspakovany? Select 'download unpacked' find the right bank, on seeing a lot of sounds, for example, replace all the sounds on the same button replace, at the top of the program. Done all that should then not forget to click the floppy disk – it zapakuet unpacked the archive back Using saat visual 100 She I basically substitute that replace Alci s saat gui FrontEnd 1.0, I noticed that the archive can not be replaced streamambience music short to long, now gives this error: in saat visual 100 normally replaces the small ring at large. 'Note:' If you change the sounds encountered a bug, if the sound is shorter than the previous example, it is supplemented by some else and all flies in the tar Tarara, this is particularly noticeable when changing sounds in the menu. ! Do not you dare sozdavatdobavlyat new faylykatalogi in the unpacked folder with the sounds – it would destroy the whole structure and will be bugs with the sound.
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