How To Choose Furniture
Until recently I was engaged in manufacturing and restoration of antique and exclusive, modern furniture. My experience of about twelve years. In this article I will give some tips on how to avoid mistakes when choosing furniture for your home. Buy now for quality and reliable thing. Gone are the days when a Yugoslav wall defended endless queues, overpay tridoroga and then she stavala pride throughout family and the envy of neighbors. Now we have a huge furniture hypermarkets, which have a product to suit every taste and budget.
From all this abundance scatter eyes and sometimes difficult to choose exactly what you need. I want to draw your focus on a few aspects when choosing furniture. There are only three: quality, manufacturing and design. The rapid development of technology is not spared and furniture industries. Now here we use plastic, aluminum, glass and many other materials.
Incidentally, in the vaunted Italian furniture is very widely used simulation. Cast in plastic form masterfully TONE to screw, chipboard not be distinguished from natural wood. But, man, in this case should know what he pays for. If you buy a plastic casting, and then have to pay as a plastic, rather than manual work. Because the first rule: keep an eye to the material, try their hands. Tree is always warm, Plastics – cool. Ask the manager of what exactly made this cabinet. Buy only high-quality, wooden products. Do not bring junk home. Ideally, all the wooden parts should be made of wood, without tyrsoplity. It does not cost anything because it's pressed waste. In addition, resins and glues used for Pressed toxic and harmful to humans. Especially desirable such furniture in the nursery. From fumes in a child can begin allergy. Question two: the manufacturer. There has already been mentioned me 'vaunted Italian furniture. " Frankly, quality Italian furniture in our furniture stores I've never met. Worse Italian only Chinese. Where are all stamped with the speed of sound from improvised recycled. As for the quality compares favorably with the Netherlands. There, too, do everything machine, but the Dutch, apparently still revered their ancient traditions DIY furniture and lowered the bar for quality. Dutch furniture get soundly, secure and stylish. She brings the house cozy and pleasant atmosphere. If you want to buy furniture more than once a year, once in pyatdesyat years-take Dutch can not go wrong. And the last question – design. There is not much we or advise as everyone has different tastes. But I will say one thing. It has long been established that live better, more comfortable just in a house whose interior is decorated in Victorian style. Heavy cabinets, large libraries, tapestries on the walls, lots of wood. A work in hi-tech style. Office style adjusts to the working mode and you inspiration all day, and at home resting in the comfort of a rocking chair. Is not it good?
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