Hunger And Food Intake

What if at that time we have nothing to feed? Like constantly need oxygen, your body needs constant energy. Where did you get? Mainly, the energy stored as fat. How determines the amount of fat to be stored? That’s the problem. In order to make a decision, the neurohormonal system, has a network of sensors that send information to a center in the hypothalamus. Sensors located in the stomach when this report is full or empty, other sensors convey information about the level of blood fat, others on the level of sugar in the intestines, sensors, etc.
Our brain also stores information about the time between a meal and the next, and the amount of energy consumed in that period. After processing all that information, the brain, determines the amount of food it needs, and the collection of fat necessary to cope with any eventuality. To complicate matters, in addition to the hunger mechanism is the mechanism of appetite. Appetite call “desire” to eat, while hunger motivated by the “need” to eat. Normally when we are hungry appetite, but whenever we have appetite is need. We have said that our body does not automatically absorb energy, like oxygen. We must provide it voluntarily. So our brain, stimulates the desire to eat.
How does he do? Mainly through the sense of taste, the products we eat have good taste, and the more energetic, more sweets and fatty acids are those we are most appetizing. They also involve the sense of smell and sight. When we eat something we like, releasing neurotransmitters that activate areas of the brain associated with pleasure, and our brain associated with pleasure the smell, taste and appearance of that food. The next time you see or feel the smell of that food, our brain, the neurotransmitters released even before we test it, awakening our appetite. Source Financial oftentimes addresses this issue. As we can see everything seems focused on encouraging food intake to meet energy demand, and although there is also the feeling of satiety, there seems to be of so much attention. This is because our body is uniquely suited to this energy-intensive efforts, therefore, the entire system is optimized to meet this demand, but not ready for a system of life which does not require excessive spending energy. It appears that the mechanism had been designed that get food to live, require physical effort. We are not made for the lifestyle that we want to impose robotic society. If we want to avoid the problems of overweight and obesity, and achieve and maintain weight loss, we will take a lifestyle consistent with the operation of the mechanism of hunger and appetite.
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