
Living as well as For the window of the room it saw the life there is. The life that was of all, less of it, that it is jailed without the least to know why. It is isolated of everything. Of the friends, of the familiar ones, the parties that as much liked, them purchases, it soccer to Saturdays, beats papos to them in the elevator. Perhaps it was felt better thus, without having with who speech, absorbed in its thoughts. Few were the visits and almost none the phone calls.
They had understood that it wanted thus. They had given up. They thought it one esquizide, so different of that already it are. Glad, full of life, many friends, soon for everything. Who passed for its house, in the greater of would see it to the times to the window, the beard for making and with that distant look, looking at the nothing or the everything, who it knows Who knows what it would look at. Perhaps nor knew it. He knew who it said that I do not know what it can have happened, therefore although extrovert, it did not comment nothing of its life.
It disappeared suddenly He did not want to take care of plus nobody. Who did not know, imagined it a thousand things its respect. He would have been trado? It was broken up under some estresse emotional? Its ego would be damaged? Stranger Others said that Others imagined still it thus the time was passing and each one started to take care of of its life, being forgotten itself it youngster to the window. Springs, summers, autumns and winters had been transferred. It had floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and it continued there, in its impassibilidade. It left of being attraction, but it continued to be that one that if it arrested while still alive, in an arrest without gratings, in a total ostracism, living its life in a defensive exclusion. Defensive Of what!? of who? Things of the life. Heloisa/10-02-2011
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