Project Checkup Projects

Veda Nova Management Consulting provides with rapid interventions for achieving project objectives. Everyday life in many companies. A project running for several months and feel compressed increasingly by the project manager: there is something going in this project not around. Was it because the desired results remain out. Or because employees or areas oppose. Or because time and budgets are not respected. But unfortunately nobody knows exactly where the project is stuck and how it could be brought back up and running.
For such situations the project management consulting has developed Veda Nova, Wiesbaden, a so-called project check-up. His project management consultant by Veda Nova in a one – or two-day workshop analyze the current situation in a project together with the responsible staff in the company. Determined to be here among other things: to what extent were the defined milestones in the project achieved and complied with the time and budget requirements? What are the causes of target deviations and how can it eliminates be? Based on the results of the analysis a plan is created according to the Veda Nova Managing Director Jurgen Rohr, how the project can be brought back to running and despite all the odds, the goals of the project can be achieved”. In this context, the ten success-promising interventions for a rapid improvement are also always”formulates and defines the responsibilities for its implementation. The goal here: After the check-up, a noticeable Jolt through the project should go and quickly become visible successes, so that (project) staff again believe in the project and love to engage in this.
After the project check-up, the company also receives a detailed report by Veda Nova. The (current) strengths and weaknesses, and risks of the project are listed in it. It also describes what to do it is true, so that the project is successfully completed. For more information about the project check-up was interested in company. You can also contact Jurgen Rohr (Tel.: 0611 / 97 774 403;).
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