
According to a survey of the consulting firm centracon, three out of five companies want to implement projects based on these new technologies. They aim in particular to consolidate their IT infrastructure and promise a more efficient use of resources by these measures. \”Overall, a quarter of the company in any case want to by 2010\” and another 36 per cent expected to \”implement measures to the Virtualsierung. At the heart of their plans is the server virtualization (41 percent), followed by desktop and application virtualization (27 and 19 per cent). Starting point for these measures is the strategic direction for nearly one-third of the surveyed managers, while 26 percent fewer companies call primarily technological motifs. From a specific need situation out five want also Dedicate percent of virtualization. The crucial idea of virtualization is not the technology itself, but the change of the processes\”, says centracon CEO of Robert Gallant.
You allows for services to develop alternative delivery models, which is then also in more flexible and productive processes\”, he explains. Virtualization goals are no trivial matter track respondents especially more efficient use of technical and human resources. Aimed at 57 per cent of the companies with their virtualization strategies. More than half also has in mind, to consolidate the infrastructure conditions in this way. But also a centralization of applications is for two out of five of the companies on the agenda. More flexible deployment of IT jobs and a sleeker client management (40 or 37 percent) also belong to the relevant objectives of the Virtualisierungsbestrebungen. However, the way is there of the companies polled is not as considered to be comfortable.
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