Haidhausen Quality

End of September all locations of the practice network certified 9001:2008 successfully radiologicum Munich after a thorough examination by the TuV Sud according to the quality management standard ISO. The locations of Radiology Schwabing, Microdosis diagnosis, Munich-based Institute for neuro-radiology, radiology Giesing, radiology ISAR medicine centre, Haidhausen (with the cut image Centre Arabellapark) Radiology and radiology Bogenhausen have the certification completed successfully. ISO 9001:2008 is nationally and internationally the most common and most important quality management standard. The certificate receives only the quality management system, which complies with certain requirements. This proof is provided through an in-depth investigation and then the certificate is issued by an independent certification body. The quality management system is subject to these eight principles: customer focus, accountability of leadership, involvement of people involved, process approach, system-oriented management approach, continuous improvement at all levels, relevant decision making approach and supplier relations for mutual benefit. Generally, to align the management system especially tailored to the customers and patients and to improve the own processes.
In September, the individual radiologicum sites were audited by auditors of TuV Sud. In the course of which a patient survey conducted has achieved very good results. Through the successful certification of the radiologicum Munich wants to meet patients and its own high standards. Although all sites of practice network core investigations such as magnetic resonance imaging, computer tomography, or also digital radiography are offered, some sites characterized by a particular specialization. In the Munich Institute for Neuroradiology in Schwabing, patients find expert for diagnosis and early detection of neurological diseases, as well as high-resolution joint representations. Two private practices belong to the radiologicum group. The one that Centre for Microdosis diagnosis, mammography is focusing on the early detection of breast cancer with the help of gentle Microdosis and on the other hand, the practice of Radiology in Bogenhausen.
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