PCNEM Biotechnology

The inquiries, therefore, must generate a culture of research in Education in Sciences centered in the citizens that learn and the citizens that teach (to Loguercio et. al, 2007, Schnetzler, 2002). PCNEM + (MEC, 2006) point to the importance of the reflection of the professors in relation to the pedagogical project of the school, being necessary to know the reasons of the determined option for joint of activities, which abilities if it must develop, which priorities guide the use of material resources and the distribution of the horria load, understanding the direction and the relevance of its work. This reflexiva and conscientious action tends to prevent fragmented and descontextualizado education. The professor who constructs knowledge with its pupils, needs to know the content to be developed and the involved cognitivos processes in its learning deeply. Many times, this necessity is unknown for that professor who only it transmits knowledge (Manzini, 2007). To give to attendance the orientaes of PCNEM and OCNEM, she is necessary that if it makes a creative work, producing dynamic that they involve the theory and the practical one, promoting the experimentation that functions as process of contextualizao of the construction of chemical knowledge, associate to the abilities, abilities and values. The professors of them you discipline Sciences of the Nature possess the responsibility to inform its pupils on basic the scientific aspects and technician of the Biotechnology as well as its methods and accomplishments, knowing the benefits and risks that this science has provoked. Therefore, it has necessity, to surpass current practised education, providing to the access the biotechnological knowledge, enabling them it a basic agreement of the methods and accomplishments, as well as the effect and risks of the Biotechnology (Harms, 2002). Inside of this context the present article turns on proposal of activities on Biotechnology from the beddings of disciplines of Chemistry and applied the pupils of Average Ensino of a school of the State Net of education.
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