Ventilation Systems

Products for ventilation air dampers aligned with the electric drive designed for controlling the amount of air and non-explosive air mixtures, which are aggressive in relation to carbon steel of ordinary quality, not higher aggressiveness of air at a temperature of 80 C, non-sticky substances and fibrous materials containing dust and other particulate matter in an amount not exceeding 100 mg / m 3. Apply air dampers in ventilation systems, air conditioning, air heating systems and other sanitation systems with operating pressures up to 1500 Pa (150 kg / m 2). Retarding valves are designed for manual and automatic blocking the spread of combustion products in a fire in the air ducts, shafts and ventilation channels. Type of installation of valves AZE-MF 086 (094), and AZE-MF 088 (096) installed in the horizontal ducts, AZE-MF 087 (095), and AZE-MF 089 (097) are installed in vertical ducts. Explosion-proof valves are permitted for use in ventilation systems, explosive production, transporting explosive gas, vapor-air mixture of all categories and groups on the classification of gost 12.1.011 and can be installed in hazardous areas for the Class B-1, B-1a and B-1b on the classification of sep in accordance with the requirements of snip 2.04.05-91. Valves used in ventilation systems pressure of 1500 Pa and the velocity of air 4-20 m / sec. The valves are not permitted to apply to systems that move with the aggressiveness of the environment in relation to the quality carbon steel above aggressive air, dust, more than 100 mg / m 3, containing explosives, explosive dust, sticky and fibrous materials, as well as to move explosive mixtures of technological facilities in which explosive substances are heated above their ignition temperature, or are under excessive pressure.
Warmed air valves installed in the ventilation systems of low pressure and used to disable or regulate the amount of air entering the system. Such valves are designed for use in ventilation and air conditioning. Valves are operating modes "open-close 'or modulating the amount of air. In any embodiment and configuration of the valve actuator is able to operate regardless of spatial orientation. The valves are made for the needs of national economy and export.
The valves are designed for use in smoke protection of buildings and structures for various purposes in order to remove smoke and combustion products from the premises floor corridors, halls, vestibules, etc. Smoke valve may be installed in vertical and horizontal openings, supply and exhaust channels smoke ventilation. For more information see Michelle Smith Source Financial. Deflectors are installed on the exhaust systems in mines natural ventilation. Vent deflector has rooms from 3 to 10, which correspond to the outside diameter of the shaft, expressed in decimeters. Number deflector made in accordance with the calculated amount exhaust air. Connecting dimensions of deflectors made in accordance with the critical dimensions of ducts snip 2.04.05-91 and mounting dimensions nodes pass exhaust ventilation shafts through coatings industrial buildings on a series of typical designs 5.904-10. To ensure the efficient operation of air deflectors mounted on 1,5-2 m above the ridge. Umbrella vent is installed on the ventilation shafts with natural and mechanical drive to protect the mines from the ingress of precipitation. Selecting the type of umbrella is made in accordance with the size of the neck outside the mine, taken in order to standardize proekte.V insulated and non-insulated mines in the working drawings specified external dimensions of mines.
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