virtual worlds 2009

No Service, Please!

cat February 20th, 2019 by Virtual Keeper

Should intelligent self-service customer frustration reduce Berlin/Bonn, June 6, 2008 no customer likes the odds that regularly befall one when calling a service number. The more call center there, the greater is the dislike. \”As a customer you will be operated as by the owner of the shop around the corner: you will be greeted with his name and the seller knows the shopping request in advance and recommend the right product\”, so trend letter editor Axel Gloger. From this insight consultants Bill Price and David Jaffe, feed their provocative thesis: the best service is no service. The customer should be satisfied with the purchase. Peter Thiel might disagree with that approach. He should supply did not raise again the company in contact with except for subsequent purchases. Amazon has long been implemented in practice. If you have read about Dr. Paul Craig Roberts already – you may have come to the same conclusion.

Here, the number of contacts per customer order is already a key performance indicator. It is precisely investigated the reason for each contact and then made arrangements to make this unnecessary. So he could in the past five years to 90 percent reduce virtual bookseller its customer contacts. According to analyses of price and Jaffe, 80 percent of customer contacts are unproductive. \”Around 15 percent of the callers say: something does not work\”. Every fourth customer expresses: can you tell me how… \”.\” 40 percent to ask: where can I get…? Remedy could offer just a better self service according to Gloger. But as companies make many mistakes.

The automated economic, personnel, or CRM systems have generated an enormous number of frustrated users. \”Perfect self service is one left on top management and must consistently be prosecuted like at Amazon\”, calls language dialogue expert Lupo Pape, Managing Director of SemanticEdge, in an interview with the online magazine NeueNachricht. The requirements for the human-machine interface are accordingly high. The computer system must recognize it communicates with whom, and what was previously communicated.

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Need An Escort Is Not Necessarily Come

cat May 25th, 2015 by Virtual Keeper

Escort Munich: authentic, true and yet sensual and appealing Kimi, high class escort Munich expressed himself on the subject of whether an escort should be outed in necessarily means the true identity, reveal must, can feel as authentic, honest, to live, to move. Kimi does not believe that it really plays a role, whether to display the face always on all the photos or not. Ultimately there to present many possibilities, the face can be cut, without that you must disclose all its Authentiat as a result. As long as nothing is hidden, the shown in the reality matches the expectations, can match, no expectations were aroused, then not be held, is “Not view” of the face for Kimi, the only way to move a little in this business. Kimi thinks that it also makes a difference whether one of the escort lives, by the way it operates, is so not to rely on. To operate it at the same time, it is usually a Identity to protect who has nothing to do with the whole business of the escort. Protect yourself from attacks.

Somewhere was that if strong enough, the attacks would make out neither one. It is very one-sided, says Kimi, escort Munich. Often it is not only his life, his official life, but especially to protect this from other family members. Particularly this the children if the escort which has Lady and that is often the case. Not every woman wants to escort also achieved publicity, occur in the television, go to show, or Venus are invited simply because one is known enough in the area of pay sex.

The men, who are looking lady an escort Munich, want that quite confidently presented in the public, want to also protect their privacy, even a nice adventure experience not always a lady, be outed without equal by the well-known public Lady at her side. The “non-knowledge”, not that public face, is often for many men much more exciting, because still there is to discover, what still preien was omitted. There are many ways to live many variations, many preferences, many tastes. And offer much in this for everyone. Thus Kimi high class escort Munich, thinks that there no definitively correct, for all applicable rule is wrong or right, what is it already. Each escort fit looking out correct procedure for themselves personally, for to their lifestyle and they can only in set up in their personal lives. There are many ways. Let’s apply the best all. How nice that everyone / and each can choose the most suitable partner for your personal date itself and voluntarily, and all according to personal taste,. Kimi Kiss, escort service Munich greetings to escort service Munich

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Project Checkup Projects

cat September 23rd, 2014 by Virtual Keeper

Veda Nova Management Consulting provides with rapid interventions for achieving project objectives. Everyday life in many companies. A project running for several months and feel compressed increasingly by the project manager: there is something going in this project not around. Was it because the desired results remain out. Or because employees or areas oppose. Or because time and budgets are not respected. But unfortunately nobody knows exactly where the project is stuck and how it could be brought back up and running.

For such situations the project management consulting has developed Veda Nova, Wiesbaden, a so-called project check-up. His project management consultant by Veda Nova in a one – or two-day workshop analyze the current situation in a project together with the responsible staff in the company. Determined to be here among other things: to what extent were the defined milestones in the project achieved and complied with the time and budget requirements? What are the causes of target deviations and how can it eliminates be? Based on the results of the analysis a plan is created according to the Veda Nova Managing Director Jurgen Rohr, how the project can be brought back to running and despite all the odds, the goals of the project can be achieved”. In this context, the ten success-promising interventions for a rapid improvement are also always”formulates and defines the responsibilities for its implementation. The goal here: After the check-up, a noticeable Jolt through the project should go and quickly become visible successes, so that (project) staff again believe in the project and love to engage in this.

After the project check-up, the company also receives a detailed report by Veda Nova. The (current) strengths and weaknesses, and risks of the project are listed in it. It also describes what to do it is true, so that the project is successfully completed. For more information about the project check-up was interested in company. You can also contact Jurgen Rohr (Tel.: 0611 / 97 774 403;).

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Software Development Compliance

cat April 27th, 2014 by Virtual Keeper

Open source compliance is feasible! The partnership of the Karlsruhe technology consulting with Black Duck opens up the customer the maximum power of open source. The combination of a unique collection of data with intelligent software of the market leader of Black Duck is the optimal basis to ensure enterprise-wide compliance and governance in the software development process. Without the support of tools and processes, the search for the right code components is difficult and it is almost impossible to keep track the license diversity and to make the right choice. This complicates the question of not only after the Endlizensierung, but also legal risks. At this point, the black uses duck software suite. Based on the Black Duck KnowledgeBase, the world’s most comprehensive database in terms of open-source components and exploit lizenzrechtlicher. This enables the automatic search and analysis of code snippet -, file – and component-level.

While it draws from a pool of over 800,000 individual projects from more than 5,500 Source pages and 2,200 licenses. The KnowledgeBase is continuously updated and learn”with each new project to keep up-to-date them constantly. This helps the integrated Black Duck code Sight, which assists developers in finding the appropriate components. The open-source management assessment (OSMA) it tracks licensing vulnerabilities within existing projects and helps optimally FOSS instead to take legal or security risks so that a continuous software development compliance is guaranteed. With the Karlsruhe technology consulting, Black Duck now has a powerful partner in Germany.

As consultancy with our own software development, the Karlsruhe technology consulting has the necessary understanding of the development and licensing knowledge related to provide customers with honest value. Realize your open-source compliance with the Karlsruhe technology consulting and Black Duck. About Black Duck Black Duck Software is a provider of high-performance software solutions for the management of open source and third-party source code within the framework of the corresponding license obligations. With black duck, you can shorten your time-to-solution, reduce your development costs, and at the same time the challenges of management, compliance and security of free and open-source-based software. the Karlsruhe technology consulting is the management and technology consulting specializing in the analysis and optimisation of business processes and their integration into the IT infrastructure. The KTC helps organisations to improve their performance and to realize important competitive advantages. From consulting and conception through to implementation, we offer you everything from a single source and accompany as a reliable partner on your individual way.

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